any workout ideas?: any advice on... - Weight Loss Support

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any workout ideas?

milkandfoursugars profile image
24 Replies

any advice on workouts I can do at home? I haven't left the house for 4 years due to bad mental health so I'm currently unable to join the gym as that's a step I need to work towards. I'm 18st 7 at 5ft 7, I'm only 17. my weight gain is mostly from my medication , I was 11 stone before taking them a couple years ago and since then the weight has piled on which has made my mental health worse. I feel like I have to hide myself away given the fact that I haven't seen anyone at all apart from my parents since I was 13. going outside is a struggle currently so if anyone has some workout ideas I can do in the house then please let me know, I don't want to be stuck in this cycle anymore.

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milkandfoursugars profile image
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24 Replies
YellowRose55 profile image

Have you had a look at the exercise video's on you tube some of our members here find them to be very good. Could your parents get you a exercise bike to use indoors or some other exercise equipment to help you.

IndigoBlue61 profile image

Hello and welcome

I really feel for you. It must be dreadful to be so ill you can’t leave the house 😕 I hope you are receiving good care from your GP and mental health nurse.

I do a yoga workout on YouTube (there are many to choose from, look for complete beginners) and also an indoor walking video by Lesley Sansome called Happy Walk. There are also a few dance workout videos you may enjoy, or even just put on your favourite music and dance around the sitting room 😊

But remember, for weight loss, what you eat is much more important than exercise. Could you speak to,your GP about a difference medication that could help,you without the weight gain side effect?

Very best wishes


milkandfoursugars profile image
milkandfoursugars7lbs in reply to IndigoBlue61

thank you, i'll give a dance workout ago tomorrow to start with. my diet is rather healthy and has got a lot better in the past two years. I eat a low fat diet, full of wholefoods and homemade healthy balanced meals. from this I have lost only a stone, I have been unable to lose anymore because of lack of exercise from staying in my house so I haven't been able to counteract the massive gain that my antidepressants have brought on.

IndigoBlue61 profile image
IndigoBlue61 in reply to milkandfoursugars

Well done on making such positive changes and for losing a stone, that’s a lot of weight 😀

Enjoy the dance workout

Tiggerr profile image
Tiggerr in reply to milkandfoursugars

One stone is an impressive loss milkandfoursugars and should be celebrated. It's the equivalent in weight of about 6 bags of sugar. Try picking them up and carrying them around all day :) You no longer have to.

Have you run the NHS BMI calculator? The fact that your weight loss has ground to a halt may be due to your body not getting enough calories...

Easier said than done, but try and relax, not to look at your journey as a race but a chance to learn how to live healthily. As much as you can, enjoy your journey :)

ExcitableElf profile image

What’s your favourite kind of movement? Because you can find absolutely every kind of exercise on YouTube. Walking, dancing, stretching, strength, boxing? Or maybe a mixture of everything? You can always vary what you do each time, to keep it fun. And I find it helps to put my own music on once I know what I’m doing!

If you’re not used to exercise then I’d really recommend starting gently. Not because you won’t be able to do, but because if you’re anything like me you’ll throw yourself in too hard and give up after a week because you hurt so badly. Let your body get used to it.

Good luck and happy exercising!

lindyloom profile image
lindyloomRestart Oct 2023

Hi I never used to be able to go to the gym and I used to run around the house (in a small flat in London!!!). My sister puts on a good CD and dances away - I also use to do this. When I moved to Oz I use to run around in my driveway for exercise. The thing is to just keep moving. You could also buy some weights as when you build up some muscle that burns calories. Hope that helps.

ary88 profile image
ary88Restart June 2024

Hi Milk,try and get simple yoga book,and do movements/stretches your way,practice up and down stairs every hour,as s starting point for progress,start walking on the spot for 2mins,gradually increase weekly,lie in floor cycles in the air,1 min ,secret is to start with 2mins ,when you get hang of it, your aim is to find after 6 weeks,how much time daily might be 30 mins or longer. If you like it,and gain self confidence doing your own Things and find if not already,how many calories you need to eat to lose weight at your weight and height,and keep texting here to let us know how you get on,☕😊🍓

focused1 profile image

Like everyone else You Tube and getting an exercise bike but use this with a distraction like watching Tv or with music . Wii Sports or dance videos are good and even better when you join in with somebody else . Just watched a programme where it says exercise in the evening burns off more fat and in the morning have your breakfast afterwards . Good luck and post how you are doing .

kevfromfev profile image

Hi there, use the couch to 5k app and adapt the programme, instead of running outdoors use the timed programme for eg stepping, rowing, ex bike or treadmill in the home if you’re able to, hope this helps and all the best for the future

Beelinn profile image

I bought a secondhand treadmill and did 30 mins a day to start with then 60 if I feel really energetic the best money I ever spent!

13Valerie profile image

What a brave step to join us here. Well done and a big warm welcome to you.

There are lots of walking workouts on YouTube. Find one that suits you.

Even just listening to upbeat music might help.

A healthy diet is more than half the battle... I know weightwatchers do an 'At home' online version.

It's time to reclaim your life. Don't hide away any longer. I wish you all the love in the world.

Post often and let us know how you're getting on😀

Julietuesday profile image

Fitness Blender on YouTube is really good all sorts of different exercises for all abilities from 10mins each. So sad to hear you can't leave the house at such a young age.

Julie x

Tumay profile image

Hi, you can look up 'walk at home' on you tube. Leslie's lessons are quite easy to follow. When I am unfit that is the one I start with. I don't even feel like I have to get changed when I do a 15 minute video.

rozwalts profile image
rozwalts in reply to Tumay

Shudder I have just had a look at that, nearly deafened me. I'll stick to my own music and my way of doing it.

Bmuser profile image

Hi, I bought TRX suspension system , you hang it over the door and you can do all kinds of weight and cardio exercises. I use it 3 times a week and cancelled my gym membership.

Google TRX training and there's loads of videos with workouts to follow.

Good luck.

Hinna profile image

I follow fitness blender on YouTube it's great... U should gain therapy that's the first thing you should think of to get you in the right mindset then u will lose weight... Your diet needs to be healthy and don't forget diabetes could be a potential risk for the age you are and the younger you combat the better.. As you get older believe me being 37 its hard work and takes ages to lose the weight

Lynne64 profile image
Lynne64Restart Jan 2024

Hiya. Have u seen Joe Wicks, body coach on chanel 4? I bought his dvd. I like it as there is no annoying music or 4 skinny maliky co-presenters/exercisers to get on your nerves! It has 5 levels and it's a high intensity interval programe, which is great as it doesnt last longer than 20 mins, including warm up and down! He's likeable and easy on the eye too, which is always a bonus! Depression, medication, weight gain, more depression can feel so overwhelming, but....look where you are! A stone lighter and on a weightloss forum; not under your duvet surrounded by physical and emotional darkness, so nice job😊look forward to hearing how your doing. And on your dark days, try if you can, to log on, even for a wee bit and have a blether with us all. All the best sweetie

I started off using free apps on my phone.

There are so many to chose from. Ones for cardio, legs, arms, yoga etc.

Being on my phone I could use them when I wanted and chose how long a workout I had time for.

If you want workout equipment as you get fitter, I found weights in my local charity shops and pull up bars on Gumtree for a few quid. My yoga mat was from TKMax for £5.

Minnie1234 profile image

Hello milkandfoursugars , you are lovely girl , I hope you can confide in your parents who possibly can give you ideas , you can stretch , arms out and up ,walking on the spot. , as the other people said you tube . I'm rooting for you . Xxx

lh301869 profile image

Hi milkandfoursugars how difficult it must be for you. I hope you are getting the right support and well done for make positive changes. You tube is brilliant for different workouts it depends what you like. Zumba is great if you like dancing. If you go on you tube and type in exercises to lose weight at home there's lots of different ones that come up. I'd say variety is key so you don't get bored and maybe invest in some weights. Kettlecise is good too. Good luck x

rozwalts profile image

Hi milkandfoursugars

My daughter gave me one of those fitness things a few weeks ago. I don't have a smart phone, so I don't get all the bells and whistles, but it does count my steps accurately. I struggled to do 100 steps at one go at the beginning, but can now work up to whatever I fancy doing.

I usually do ten minute to half hour spells indoors. I find on the spot walking harder on the knees and left hip more of a problem than outdoors. 10000 steps a day is my aim, which I am managing quite easily. Even better is that it is free!!!

Doo keep signing in and letting us know how you are getting on.

jo13bi profile image
jo13bi2 stone

So sorry to hear how low you are feeling. I have an app called 7 minute work out which is easy to do at home. I am currently doing the couch to 5k thing but when the weather is bad I do it around the house. I figure it is better than just sitting. I had post natal depression with my first child and found just putting music on and dancing around the lounge cheered me up and is exercise without trying. I really hope things work out for you. Xx

milkandfoursugars profile image

hey everyone just an update. I have lost half a stone in the past two weeks by working out everyday and eating 3 healthy meals a day. I'm now 18 stone, thank you for everyones suggestions I will be trying out all the different youtube videos that you have all recommended to me , hopefully I will continue to lose more weight if I stick to my plan.

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