Hi my name is Tina and I lost my mum in May and have my dad to look after, he lives next door. As he is so close I really feel I cannot grieve properly as I need to be coping for my dad's sake but sometimes I just want to crumble. In trying to cope my comfort eating has been getting out of control it reallg scares me.
Comfort eating : Hi my name is Tina and... - Weight Loss Support
Comfort eating

Hi Krissy17 and welcome to the weight loss forum.
Sorry to hear you lost your mum in May. It as only been a few months so you need to give yourself time to grieve, is there someone who can take care of your dad for the day so you can have some time to yourself? Don't worry too much about the comfort eating you have lots of support here from a very friendly forum.
You are invited to join our Newbie Club, where you can meet other new members who are just beginning their weigh loss journeys too. Here's the link for all the information you will need to find your way around the forum:
Write a brief note to introduce yourself to other newbies and I'm sure you'll be making friends, in no time.
Good luck with your first week.
Hi Krissy17, i'm sorry to hear about ur mum, n i can understand about grieving, because i lost my hubby few years ago and i had to be strong for the children. What helped me was talking to my friends of what sort of person he was n the good n bad times we had. I may help u if u ever need to talk or even anything i'm always here 😢
Dear Kristy
It is so sad to lose your mother so it is natural to feel overwhelmed with grief. Your father must be so pleased and grateful to have you living next door .
I am sure you will find plenty of support on here
Big hug
Hello Krissy,
I'm sorry to hear about your Mum, it was very recent so your feelings are still raw, when somebody we love dies it takes us time to get our thoughts in some kind of order. I was in a similar position 4 years ago when my Dad died, my Mum lives just 5 minutes walk from me and I felt an overwhelming need to look after her, especially as I don't have any siblings but I soon realised she wanted her own space so she could grieve, you may find your Dad feels the same way. It's awful when you lose a much loved and cherished parent, people told me "it gets better" but I have to say that in my opinion you just learn to live with your loss.
We often turn to food when we have a problem or we're feeling weak for one reason or another, but as you're already aware that you're comfort eating maybe have healthy snacks in the cupboard that you can graze or nibble on. I wish you and your family well, it's a sad & difficult time for you all.
So sorry for your loss. You need to be there for your dad but you need to grieve on your own time. Don't be strong for everyone else. Its OK to break down sometimes. It's healthy to do so.
Hi Tina I have sent you a private message as it's sooooo long.😊
Welcome to the forum, hope you find us a happy and supportive bunch.💐