Hi everyone, I am 20 years old and I have a special birthday coming up. I am overweight for my age and height. Does anyone know how I can stop comfort eating ?
How to stop comfort eating: Hi everyone... - Weight Loss Support
How to stop comfort eating

Hi Sheza I have comfort eated all my life using any excuse to eat rubbish basically, I'm happy treat myself, I'm sad comfort myself etc, since being on this new journey I find that I still have a snack or two but healthy snacks and I don't feed myself now as I just look at how far I have come and don't want to ruin it.
After many years of being very unfit and overweight I now want to be the healthier, fitter person I always wanted to be and I guess it has been a transformation of mindset, I won't overeat/comfort eat as it doesn't help, leads to you feeling hateful of yourself and more of a failure it's a vicious circle.
Just ask yourself will comfort eating help me in the long term?
How will I feel about myself if I comfort eat again?
What do I want my goals to be?
Think of why you comfort eat and maybe address the situation Do something to keep your mind off eating I do lots of craft work, take the dogs out etc.
I am sure you will have many replies of what strategies you can put in place that will help you.
Best wishes and good luck Bev
Hi Sheza! That is a $1M question For me what has worked so far was to start exercising. Knowing how much I struggle & sweat running on the treadmill etc. (I do not like exercising) it makes me think twice before I eat that particular snack I'm craving so much. Plus I recently discovered a very nice app, is called MyDietCoach and the cool thing is that it has a 'panic' button'. The idea is that whenever you feel like snaking you wait 20 minutes (go take a shower, talk on the phone or whatever) and the craving will go away.
Good luck!
Hi Sheza
I put two pictures on my cupboard wall in the kitchen one when I was thin and one when I am overweight with little notes next to them say what one do I want to look like again !!
It helps me as I know I want to be thin again ,the other thing I did do was get rid of all the crisps biscuits and anything else that is bad out of the house ,
my fridge is full of fruit !!! And I hardly ever cheat because if it's not in the cupboard I know I won't go to the shop to buy it .lol
Have a good week love I hope this helps
Pam xx
Comfort eating is a habit we get into when we are bored, or feel we deserve a treat because we have worked hard. You want to find alternative treats - a hot bath, a good book, a face-mask, or phone a friend even.
The boredom habit needs to be replaced with a new action plan to get some fun into your life. If your time is your own, start to think what you might really enjoy; a dancing class? join a walking group? Go cycling with friends? Horse-riding? Badminton? Tennis? Find what appeals to you and google your nearest venue or club; book a session / lesson so you have something to look forward to.
If you are tied with young children, try and find other mums in a similar situation who can either join you for walks in the country with the children or can babysit for you to allow you some me-time. Plan a swimming session. Build an assault course in the garden for the children (and you) to jump / climb over and under things.
What you need is more activity, and less time to be around the food. Have some low-calorie snacks available for those odd moments when you really need something, and fill up on fruit teas, tea, coffee and water too. Even chatting on this forum is a great distraction! Let us know how things go?
Hi Sheza, a while back I realised I was using food to numb myself (like a drug), I was using food to keep me occupy, dieting/binging cycle took a huge chunck of my time, thinking about food. What I know now is that it is not about food, being overweight is only a symptom of other things that are hiding behind. Why we eat if is not driven by hunger? I learnt that I needed to deal with the situation/people that stressed me the most and not just learn about food and exercise (which is important too).
I am sure this forum will help you, there is always great advice
All the best

You have been given loads of excellent advice already but let me just share a little trick I have learnt along the way.
If you still have your go to comfort foods eg biscuits, in a tin which is in your eye line then move it into a cupboard. Seeing a food makes you want it. It's how adverts work on the telly. I'm not saying that you don't need willpower but it will help you to stop thinking about crisps or biscuits.
Also try and identify your danger time and avoid the kitchen. Xx