Phew! I managed a trip to Edinburgh and to see the movie Jackie at the cinema (taking only my lemon water infuser) without being tempted to do my usual 'grab fast food' on the hop. I actually saved calories and was so busy.
Normally a trip to Edinburgh would involve a 3 course meal with wine followed by nibbles when I got home late, followed by the thought of 'ohhh this diet isn't working' then fall off the wagon along with the thought of 'I'll start tomorrow'
We went to a few museums, Holyrood Palace then just a healthier option of a Pret salmon salad - I had checked calorie content online before purchasing. I tracked everything and was happy to have a coffee until I returned home to eat my pre-prepared Fakeaway.
At cinema, the queue was so long for refreshments I was so happy to have smuggled a bottle of water with lemon to keep me going.......I've no idea why people feel the need to eat non stop for 2hrs in a cinema. It's always confused me as you wouldn't normally sit at a table and constantly chew for 2 solid hours... gggrrrrr
Anyway I made it past wekend one and super busy next wekend, planned a huge country walk with family followed by a lunch, cinema then volunteered to walk my friends dogs at the beach. I think planning is the key for me.
Hope you all had a wonderful weekend and thankyou for the response, warm welcome, tips and advice during my first week. x x x x