This made me chuckle. I read some people think it is making fun of fat people but I find it amusing. What do you think?
Do you find this photo funny? - Weight Loss Support
Do you find this photo funny?
Made me chuckle Ella😄
Surely the fat ones would be more difficult to beam up lol.
That's good Ella 😂
Surely the spaceship would fare better taking the smaller thinies first, more to experiment with plus the spaceship would not be so heavy. Lol
Yeah but if they do decide to eat us boney people wouldn't taste so good. I like the suggestion that aliens would want to eat humans.
It's funny, but at the same time I think it would put me off going to that gym! I'd feel more like I was being judged there...
Maybe that's why people didn't like it. I liked the reference to the aliens more than to the gym. Gyms are an alien concept, I prefer outdoors and swimming
Gyms can intimidating if you let them. Most people I see in a gym are peacocks. There to display their own feathers so others can see. I'll be joining my hospital gym soon but I am attending for me only.
haha... Yes very funny Ella...
It made me laugh, lol
Very funny 😂 and probably true !
I think it's fine - it's not cruel, not really. I think if you are fat and are thinking of joining a gym, maybe you wouldn't mind this ad as your mind will already be in solution-mode. But I can see that maybe some people would find it unkind. But people can be very thin-skinned these days.
😂😆 it's funny, but I must admit I have found some people are very strange at the gym and some are absolutely lovely 😯 x
Made me laugh lol!
And I think there's an opposite one on T-shirts that runs
'Eat cake, biscuits and ice creams..........fat people are harder to kidnap!'
I love that Hidden . I will look for a photo of that.
The kidnap part is easy to find, eg. here on Amazon
but the full one doesn't show ... unless that's on the back??
Having just joined a gym I must say that sort of advertising would put me off going to that gym.
That said it did make me laugh!