Annoyed with myself today should be over the moon its xmas just 0.75lb off my 4 stone badge I'm 4/5 sizes smaller in clothes so wearing smaller clothes rings getting looser ........but today I've have lost my wedding ring out shopping I'm gutted I've backed tracked on my steps no joy suppose it's my fault I knew my ring was too loose. I know there are people out there who are suffering and have far more important thing to take care of or even worry about. Ironic before I would turn to food when upset today don't even feel like eating Sorry for being abit down😥
Sad today😥: Annoyed with myself today... - Weight Loss Support
Sad today😥

Oh Lizzy I feel terrible for you. I understand how you feel. Have you checked everywhere at home? Washer laundry basket sinks all pockets etc.
It may still turn up. 😐

Thanks looked every where hopefully it turns up hubby said we will buy us both new ones for anniversary thankyou for your kind words x
So sad to read this-I lost my engagement ring years ago and still feel sad that it disappeared, but what a lovely husband you have to make that suggestion.
I'm really sorry to hear that, you have real reason to be upset I pray that some honest person finds it and hands it into the police. It would be worthwhile phoning round all the places you were in today, good luck I hope that your guardian angel is looking over it until you get it back
Regards, Rosie xx
If you have Facebook there are lots of "lost and found" or "seen in...#your area" that you can post on and someone might have found it! Get the word out and you might get it back. Also just phone all the stores you went to and ask them to keep an eye out. Was it definitely while you were out? Is it in your handbag?
I lost my favourite necklace when the clasp broke. It was... Down my bra! :/
I am very sorry you've lost it, I know there's no replacement for sentimental value. Maybe time to treat yourself to a new one if it doesn't turn up? New year new dress size, celebrating a new stage in your life and marriage? sorry. Not sure what positive things to say!
Hope you find it!

Ah thanks Kinbun those words so lovely that's what my husband said he we will both get new rings for our anniversary but I will pass the word round for lost ring thanks once again x
Oh no Lizzy70 😢 How sad 😢 You must be devastated, I'm so sorry.
My friend had given up all hope then found it as she was emptying the recycling so it may turn up 😊
Fingers crossed for you
That's really sad. A lesson for us all. I hope your husband buys you a lovely new one. You deserve it after all your hard work to lose weight.
😢 I am really sorry to hear this. It must be devastating for you to deal with because I know if this happened to me I would be really sad and upset too. Let's just hope this does turn up and I would be posting it everywhere to hope it does turn up. Good luck with finding it love and I'm glad to hear that your husband is already looking at a way to deal with it by getting others for your anniversary. That is lovely of him. 😀