Hiya, just wondering how people deal with weekends? Is it harder not being in a work routine? Does anyone have treat days? I'm heading towards my first weekend on the plan and I don't want to muck up. Advice would be grateful thank you
Weekends: Hiya, just wondering how... - Weight Loss Support

Hi I just treat weekends as any other day. If I am going out somewhere special I just look on the menu beforehand and sort out my other meals around whatever I am having.
Occasionally I have treats but always add them in my allowance. luckily I don't drink, so alcohol is not a problem calorie wise. We have to have the odd treat here and there as we are not ' on a diet' but a new healthier lifestyle.
I have found since going on this new way of eating how easily I turn down foods that I wouldn't have even thought about not eating before.
I suppose it depends on what your weekend consists of to. If you are likely to be doing a lot more exercise etc you can have a few extra calories as a treat.
Enjoy your weekend, don't get too stressed about it and have fun.

I know it sounds a bit sad, but I plan the family meals a week ahead. Therefore I can think beforehand what we are going to be eating and not overdo it calorie wise. So, for instance, on Saturday, as a treat, we will be having fish and chips. I have bought fish pieces in breadcrumbs rather than batter and those who want a portion of oven chips can. There will be peas or brown rice and salad. On Sunday I am making homemade bolognaise using 5%fat mince, a lot of tomatoes/veg to make the sauce and wholemeal pasta. I am doing Hidden dry September challenge so no alcohol. Our pudding treat will be either a mini ice lolly or some frozen yogurt with strawberries. By default, my husband and three children are eating healthier and there have been far fewer complaints from the kids than I was expecting. So what I'm saying is do factor in some treats. Life would be miserable otherwise but just allow for them. I also go for an early morning swim on Sunday mornings as well. Xx
Hi, I find weekends harder as my other half is home and he leads me astray, or we are just as bad as each other sometimes :). I've told him though its got to stop or I undo all my good during the week, so I started properly on Monday and have been having a great week so far. I'm determined not to ruin it this time, I'd say try to have a plan, keep busy and be organised as it is easier to slip up if not. For me the hockey season is starting up so that takes up a lot of my Saturday and Sunday I'll take the dogs out with the family. I think I'll start online shopping more too then I can't be tempted by the treats in the shop, but I do buy some for my 5 yr old (like crisps and sweets etc) which makes it harder. He doesn't have them often, but I don't think it is fair to deny him so it takes more willpower from me as I know they are in the cupboard. But I find once I'm in the right frame of mind it gets easier to resist as I decide I don't need them whereas normally I just eat them without thinking about it, its all about mindfulness. Good luck this weekend, lots of motivation on here to help you from straying, hopefully I'll be reporting a loss Monday and I survived the weekend (EEK!). Have you joined in the Monday weigh-in? I'm hoping that will give me extra encouragement too...