Newbie - Seeking a 'slimmer' healthier... - Weight Loss Support

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Newbie - Seeking a 'slimmer' healthier body!

Patsy52 profile image
11 Replies

Hi all,

I am now at my heaviest ever!! I lost a considerable amount of weight using slimming world, but two years later it is all back on plus 3 stone. I cannot face going back and letting everyone see that I failed to keep it off AND gained extra. So here I am... Hoping that this group can offer me the support, a laugh or two along the way and a body that will let me tie my shoelaces. In return I will do my best to support others and inject a modicum of humour when my brain allows ;-)

Patsy xx

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Patsy52 profile image
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11 Replies
moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone

Hi and welcome Patsy :)

Don't feel too down, I spent my whole life yoyo dieting and it took many more times than once for me to come to my senses. I think you've done a tremendous thing, by reaching out for help after just one lapse :)

I'm sure you'll find this forum tremendously supportive, I know I have :)

Have a look at our welcome newbie thread, as it has heaps of handy hints in it and consider joining in with the monday group weigh-in and all our group challenges. You'll find everything in either the events, or pinned posts sections, to the right of your screen.

Wishing you every success :)

IndigoBlue61 profile image

Hello patsy

I'm another yoyo dieter 😕 But no more - 8 months eating healthily but not depriving myself, 12 kg off and feeling fitter and healthier, and mobility problems improved dramatically 😊

Lots of info and support on here 😊 Good luck

yatesco profile image
yatesco in reply to IndigoBlue61

I think that is such an important distinction - diets come and go, but eating healthily and using moderation for treats is a lifestyle choice that you can continue to improve on every day.

Redx1995 profile image

Hi Patsy,

Same story here I'm afraid - I'd lost not only three stone on Weight Watchers, but a lot of money on membership and cookbooks etc! Like you, as soon as I stopped following the diet, the weight has started to creep back on.

It's nice to find a group who are just as supportive on-line as what I'd previously experienced, along with other helpful links to information to help me along the way.

Hopefully this time I'll have the longer lasting results using calories instead of points?!

Good luck with your journey


Kat96 profile image

Hi Patsy :)

Rest assured you've come to the right place, I always receive so much support whenever I post on here

On the NHS website there is a BMI calculator where you can assess the right amount of calories you need to have per day

It's good you're deciding to start again with the weight loss, the best thing to do is to make this a lifestyle change not a diet so it needs to be something you can do for the rest of your life so I suggest cutting down your portion sizes, drinking at least 2 litres of water per day so that you know you're definitely hungry before you eat and to keep you hydrated and replace excessive carbs with veggies to help you feel fuller so say 3/4 of your plate is pasta and 1/4 is veg then switch them round so you're having less calories but feeling full and being healthier :)

I hope all this helps and the best of luck! :)

Patsy52 profile image

Thanks :-)

What a lovely warm welcome and some great advise. The lifestyle change is spot on!

I was diagnosed with arthritis two years ago but lucky for me medication soon got it under-control and the weight loss played a part along with swimming most days. But since gaining the weight back and falling into the habit of putting the swimming off for another day some of the symptoms have returned. So it's a no brainer - the weight has to go!!

I went to the doctors yesterday and said HELP! He prescribed Xenical and recommended here! So lifestyle change here I come!

At the moment I feel like the Tin-man from OZ - After sitting, even for a short time I have to ease the joints into movement before the body will cooperate. :-0

LMB001 profile image

Hi patsy, you've made a great first step joining here. I started off at 20st 7lb the Christmas before last. Feel free to look at the posts I have written. I hope it inspires you and shows you you can do this and loose weight. I didn't join a diet club but found support from others. Good luck x

June1965 profile image


And you can still use those SW tactics !!! Food is a way of life & we need to get it under control, we are here for you and all in the same boat 👍

Venusflytrap profile image

I cannot imagine any Slimming organisation being so stupid as to comment on returners. Most of their business is returners! But this is a great forum. And the eating plan is jolly sensible, so you should have few problems with it. We all fail, but try, till the day we succeed. So just think of your previous attempts as practice, for this, your final one! And just imagine how heavy you would be now, if you hadn't given yourself a safety margin of losing the weight previously. All your previous weight, plus what you've gained since. Doesn't bear thinking about! So well done for doing it before and for starting again. At least this time you know (a) that you can do it, and (b) what the benefits will be. Both great help in motivating you. Good luck with that first week's weigh in.

Redx1995 profile image

I've been reading the various stages of the 12 week plan and can see that the main issue for me is that I've been used to eating as much fruit and veg as I like and to count points! The wake up call is that everything, including those 'free foods' contain calories which need taking into account.

I suspect that next week will be a bit of a challenge trying to change the mind set - any tips anyone??

Is there a food list of basic items such as fruit and veg with their calorific values which can be printed off? It would be handy to pin this up in the kitchen to save keep coming upstairs to check on this site for the information.

Thanks everyone, Elaine

Karengail profile image

Been there, done that I like you and starting again on the road to hopefully a slimmer and healthier body, good luck with your journey :-)

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