Week 1 Weigh In πŸ˜’: I ended up going out... - Weight Loss Support

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Week 1 Weigh In πŸ˜’

β€’15 Replies

I ended up going out on Friday night resulting in lots of beer, a pie & chips on the way home & then chocolate the next day due to my hangover!!! After all the hard work I'd put in all week!!! So disappointed in myself. 😫 I only drink once a week but when I do it always messes up my diet because it makes me have such a care free attitude towards my goals! So I've decided I'm going to have a 4 week detox without it & see what happens πŸ‘Œ

Weighed myself this morning & i'm at 10.11 I know I could have done better but atleast it's a little loss & i'm determined to do better for Week 2!

Start Weight - 10.12

Todays Weigh In - 10.11

15 Replies
K1972 profile image

See it as a positive. That you actually want to quit the beer for a while. I did it in January for charity and boy was it a long month because I had an 'end goal' ...

Then when I really got behind myself and pushed towards a healthier lifestyle I stopped drinking 'until I wanted to'...

It was 145 days before I wanted to. Not saying some days I wouldn't come home from school and want a glass of Merlot! But by then I was losing enough weight for that momentum to keep me going.

All the best

K x

Annde70 profile image

That's the trouble with alcohol not only is it packed with calories it removes all of our good intent and wrecks our best plans. Good luck with your detox plan, and if you normally only drink once a week it shouldn't be such a hardship to turn that into only once a month 😜

hubbardhovis67 profile image

You can change what's happened but you can chage how you respond in the future. And you are doing just that, you still had a loss which is great.

I think your plan sound strong and achievable.

To be able to see what needs to change then put that in place, fantastic.

Look forward to updates on your continued success πŸ‘β˜ΊοΈ

hi glrxxx

At least you've still made a loss.... which is great.. I struggle with this a bit too, one night of beer, results in lots of calories, especially with the late night food that follows.. its cheese on toast that "gets me"

4 week detox sounds a great idea, I'll watch with interest to see how this works for you.

Very best of luck and well done again for losing weight this week.

Andyt2120 profile image

If I have a blow out I just get really strict the next day or so after and all the gained weight disappears. Last week I had a big tray of chips followed by a Greek meal out the next day. Saw I gained 3 lbs was very strict with myself for 3 days and ate less then normal. By the end of the week I had not only lost the 3 lbs but a further 5 lb, result.

Not saying you can let yourself cheat when you want to, I'm just saying it's not the end of the world if you are a little tough with yourself after it.

Portlandprincess profile image

No where you're coming from....had my hiccup last night....myfitnesspal let me know approximate damage....disaster...but one day at a time!

June1965 profile image

A 1lbs.....is a 1lbs....well done YOU !!!!

Focus and see how good you start to feel and that becomes your fuel to continue

Cass6 profile image

Hi glrxxx, you had a blip - but recognised it and then made plans to help the situation going forward. And the plus point is that you did lose weight. Congratulate yourself on not throwing in the towel for a mistake it what you were planning.

The recommendations in the replies are great, you do need to allow yourself to let off steam a bit from time to time.

Well done for losing 1lb. Onward and downward 😊


Emjkitty profile image

The evil damage of a night out! If I go out I try the 'Cut down by one rule' so I have one drink less than normal or drinking a little slower, choose something smaller or less damaging than your usual choice from the chippy or takeaway on way home. If you deny all your usual treats then its likely you will return to them after you reach your weight goal. Changing your thinking and choices about your usual routine is likely to work better in the long term. I did this myself on Friday night and I can see the damage on my chart but I did walk to the pubs and we went to ones further away than normal so hoping the walking counteracted some damage! Will see in the morning when I weigh in......

I like the sound of Emjkitty's cut down by 1 rule! But that also means you need to know how many you're cutting down from! I had a big wake up call re alcohol at the beginning too. Not only does it reduce your resolve, but the calories add up quickly too. I now plan how many drinks I'll have before I go out. I also drink much less often now, unlike you I was drinking a few times a week, almost everyday. By the way, 1lb loss is a great start, especially considering you had a less than perfect week. Lots of luck for week 2 :)

libbydaniels88 profile image

You sound like me- I always have a drink on the weekend and it makes you so MUNCHY!! I suppose its why they serve stuff like crisps and nuts in pubs. And its the whole atmosphere, warm, convivial, laughter and surrounded by friends....we get sold a fantasy, the same brain twisting effect that supermarkets play on by careful positioning of poorly selling lines etc. So dont be too hard on yourself- its very difficult to resist.

You lost though ! So you beat the system ! Congratulations!

Personally, i try to stick to gin and coke, spirits have less calories than beer, and if your resolve is high, you can keep filling up on the diet coke and look like your drinking.

Good luck to us both next weekend :D

Emma-x- profile image

Well done on your loss this week! This is really good considering you had a little slip.

Alcohols the worst thing isn't it!? Full of empty calories

Have you thought of watering it down about ie like a shandy (with diet lemonade) or switching to something with less calories in than beer?

Again well done in completing week one and good luck with your detox.

simonc58 profile image

Great widom based decision :)

In my Γ©xperience , quantity of weight loss is irrelevant each wk, the golden rule for me is direction direction direction, whether in a week I have lost only a quarter of a pound or 4lb is irrelevant, i have had a succesful week if i have gone in the right direction however little i have lost, I have still lost and therefore one day. With that habit of eating then I will make my goal one day, it doesn't matter how quickly or slowly it just matters that moving in the right direction.

Good work and keep keeping on and keep your eyes on the what, what will hitting and maintaining your goal give you? And what else will it give you?

Clanger152 profile image

Congratulations on losing a lb. Don't put yourself down for having a few treats. We all need that every now and again. Remember you are on a journey, you can take the express route or be a little more relaxed and take a few detours on the way. Neither way is wrong and you will reach you're destination whichever route you decide upon.

westonmill profile image

Don't beat yourself up .so what if you piged out,the main thing is you know what you are doing wrong ,now you have to put it right.ins about managing your weight ,1 binge isn't here or there ,maybe next week you will have a few beers and no grub ,orplate up something in the fridge to come home to that's not as many calories,keep something for the next day like rich tea to dunk in coffee ,just a few or wine gums just a small pack .or a ice lolly with ice cream in the middle ,asda are 99 cal tropical fruit.its not like you are ready heavy .good luck next week

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