severe osteoarthritis limits exercise ... - Weight Loss Support
severe osteoarthritis limits exercise but want to find one. Any ideas?? Unable to kneel but willing to try anything else. Obese and 50.

Swimming would be ideal for you - easy on the joints! You can start off slowly and build up the distance you can swim.
thanks for the suggestion. I haven't been swimming in years and would probably feel a bit self-conscious yet until I shed some weight but will keep the idea for a while. I appreciate your help
thanks that sounds really interesting. I will look up the details but I do actually love a workout and going to a gym I just seem to lose the momentum and need pushing so thats for the suggestion
What about aqua aerobics? Do you still belong to a gym maybe the instructors or trainers could put a little programme together for you if that is your exercise of choice? Not me I am a class gal thru and thru!
Thanks Prin but no I have cancelled my gym membership recently but kind of regretting it now but interested in the Curves info I was sent earlier so going to have a tri down as its not too far away from home, to see what exactly they do but thanks for your suggestion and hope I get as good results as you have as it just makes me believe that bit more. your comments are really appreciated.
Hi Banjo... I have the same problem as you have, and of course it is worse if one is overweight... What helps me is dancing (salsa for beginners) in the lounge as the wt seems to bounce around so quickly that no particular knee is affected adversely. But I would not recommend this for anybody not knowing their situation - just something to try if you are well-coordinated and have rhythm My fave CD is the songs from 1958, which I find really motivating.
The other stuff I do is "marching" whilst sitting down - also to music; and another is lying in bed and "cycling". These all are very helpful.
I would be very interested to hear about how you get on at Curves - just going to check them out now and see if they have something similar in North London.
Take care out there and bestest wishes.
Thanks for the info and I am interested in alternative meds but dubious about trying stuff which doesn't have a real track reckord and is tested. No offence but it looks like a bit of a gimmick and your knowledge of arthritis doesn't seem to be great so probably won't be trying it but thanks anyway
I too have very severe osteoarthritis and two weeks ago had my left knee operated on for the third time and my cartilage has now been removed what was left of it!!! Before my operation I was doing leslie Sansone walk at home dvds, They are really good and did help with the pain I was having. Unfortunately I became depressed and stopped doing the exercises and started eating more, which was crazy coz I was beginning to lose weight and feel good at the fact that i could do these exercises!!!! I am hoping to start them again tomorrow and start with one mile and build up again. Her dvd's are amazing and they also have exercises using weights and an abdominal belt. These exercises help with osteoarthritis and strength training the muscles around the knee area. If you go onto her website you can see her dvds and decide whether they may help you.
I am 54 so I know what it is like to have this pain. I hope you will find some exercises that will help you
Thanks very much I have never heard of this person before but will definitely give it a try. Its good to hear from someone in the same position as myself so thanks for sharing your experiences and good luck with your progress
Hi just wondering how you are doing and have you looked up Leslie Sansone yet? I did my first two mile walk using one of her DVDs on Saturday. Today I am going to do some more. Hope you are finding some form of exercise to help you. Must admit my knees hurt a great deal, but feel these exercise are helping me with my general mobility, I have a long way to go before I can hop skip and run though!! but just to be able to walk a little easier is a start. Please let me know how you are doing, take care of yourself
I would have a look at what your eating as a start, try reading The Primal Blueprint by Mark Sisson, there is evidence that changing your diet will improve your mobility and also you can start to exercise then once this has been resolved.
Thanks to everyone who has helped and I have decided to seek professional help and discussed with the practice nurse and she told me about a new weight management programme they are introducing in my GP surgery so I have signed up for it. The initial visit is anything up to 2 1/2 hours and looks in depth at the real root cause of what triggers over-eating and also incorporates excercise in a managed and measured way so hoping finally to beat the demons and make some real progress. Anyone living in the Blackpool area may want to take a look but I am sure its likely to be available elsewhere so wish me look and hoping for bag achement. Thanks to everyone for the support so far