Hi everyone,
Here's what I had for dinner tonight, I finally bought a slow cooker yesterday so cooked this to try it out. Just for a challenge I thought I'd make the dumplings vegan and use gram flour and soy cream baking powder black pepper sea salt and chives. As I've never made them like this before I made mini ones and they doubled in size and tasted good.
The black lentils are under the veg in the gravy that the stew cooked in, I think that both green and black lentils with sliced onions and thickened with a little gram flour and water is the best veggie mince I've ever had so love the combination.
I cooked a local cauliflower organic onions garlic carrots peas and local green beans in stock made with water and low salt Swiss bouillon ginger black pepper with yeast extract.
For a first attempt with a slow cooker I'm very pleased as it made an easy meal especially as I've had a lot going on at home with having builders in today.
I hope that everyone in the flood risk areas is safe as I can't imagine how awful that must be.
Jerry ๐