Are there any Nutritionists or Dieticians on this forum? Are desserts important in our daily diets? My wife and I have had loads of cookery books and they all contain a Desserts section. We very rarely bother to make desserts. After meals we tend to eat fruit. Does that qualify as a dessert? Also, we eat nuts and raisins every day? Does that qualify?
Are desserts important?: Are there any... - Vegan Foods for Life
Are desserts important?

I think if there were any qualified nutritionists or dieticians the forum rules would prevent them offering 'professional' opinions (same with doctors).
All any of us can do is give our personal opinions or experiences.
Fruit is definitely an important part of a healthy diet, and Dr Gregor recommendeds 30g nuts a day which I try to follow.
I’m not a dietitian but I am interested in nutrition. Nuts and raisins don’t necessarily tick the box of dessert in my book exactly but they can do. Desserts can be important to your diet if you use desserts to up your fruit level. For example you could have stewed apple or pear with raisins and make cream out of soaked cashew nuts, vanilla and water. Chia pudding with cacao or fresh fruit salad. Frozen banana ice cream. I would see those as a healthy dessert. I don’t think having creamy desserts, ice cream or pastry puddings as being necessary in your diet but are fine occasionally if that’s what you liked.
I hope this helps?
Ali 🙂🌱
Thanks for the replies. We seem to be doing the right thing.
I tend to think a little bit of something nice is good for the soul. I have a line of dark chocolate after my lunch with a cup of tea as a reward for work well done and usually have a couple of biscoff biscuits or maybe a dark choc mint thin after my dinner with decaf tea to unwind after my day. 👍

Deserts tend to be contain highly refined & processed ingredients. Deserts tend to focus on higher levels of salt sugar and fats. Either of these should be carry a health warning.
The closer a food is to its natural form the more supportive of health it is going to be.
The exception is that the odd bit of birthday etc cake celebrating life, friends and family should be enjoyed where possible.