Has any one noticed when you go to a friends/family gathering as I did in Somerset at the weekend that there are several non vegan meat and fish dishes and one vegan dish and the meat eaters eat the vegan dish! π it also happens at summer barbecues.
Friends and family: Has any one noticed... - Vegan Foods for Life
Friends and family

Well, to be a healthy vegan you really need to know how to cook which is rare these days. My guess is you are a good cook and it shines through in your dishes!

At least twice a year I meet with a larger group (15-20) of friends over a weekend. This issue came up and almost caused a problem. Because with meat eaters they could easily calculate how many sausages, burgers or whatever were needed and get the numbers right for the supermarket shop.
But the veggie dishes, and now increasingly vegan dishes are harder to quantify. This has not been perceived as a big problem for salads etc which are largely done for group consumption. However speciality vegan dishes where you want to count exact numbers can become a problem.
And the problem is, everyone wants to partake in veggie/vegan dishes... Some more than others... And, yes, when you are limited to just the vegan...
I had a similar experience on a residential course recently. There were a few of us who had ordered vegan options but everyone else kept eating our food. In the end the staff had to make an announcment saying please don't eat the vegan food unless you requested a special diet.
I think there's a wider point here that most people don't actually choose to be meat eaters - it's just that most food options in our culture are meat based and people just eat from what's offered. But as vegan options grow the people that aren't ideological "carnists" are going to start eating vegan food just because it's there.