If you want to follow some interesting vegan youtubers then here are a few I follow...
Joey Carbstrong, Earthling Ed, James Aspey are at the fore front of public vegan debate. Ed is really cool in debate, and when I say really I actually mean awesome. He is the kind of person who would be good defusing a potential nuclear attack by just being the broker between Trump and Putin. James was the guy who didn't speak for 365 days as a way of raising awareness for animals with no voice. Finally Joey caught a lot of recent media attention around the use of words like rape and holocaust.
Inside youtube the debate leaders include Vegan Gains, Ask Yourself, Thunder Bay Personal trainer, Vegetable Police and Mic the Vegan. Vegan Gains is hard core satire and definitely a taste to be acquired. He will criticise anyone, including other vegans. In particular he is known for his "worst of the bodybuilder industry" range of videos. Thunder Bay Personal trainer is someone who has a masters in nutrition and has his finger firmly on the pulse of what a healthy diet is about. He spends a lot of time with his veganism debunked series. Mic The Vegan publishes so much that is science based, a kind of NutritionFacts one-man-show. If you really want to know how to debate veganism then Ask Yourself is someone who is a complete master of logic. And finally back to satire, Vegetable Police. I am not sure I understand Vegetable Police yet - that laid back couldn't give a damn approach makes him a bit of an enigma to me.
These are just a few of the people I follow on youtube with veganism at their heart. Have you got some favourites, either on veganism or on other aspects of health.