Anyone suffer from painful feet?: - Vasculitis UK

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Anyone suffer from painful feet?

Juliew123 profile image
29 Replies
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Juliew123 profile image
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29 Replies
hamble99b profile image

I do.

what particular problems do you have Julie?


Juliew123 profile image
Juliew123 in reply to hamble99b

I have wg

longbank123 profile image

Yes, usually my ankles & joints.

tracey65 profile image
tracey65 in reply to longbank123

i do as well same as you longbank,more so in warmer weather

Albasain profile image

I do as well too. It's OK when I get up in the morning but around three hours later my ankle begin to feel as though a vice is around them. It feels as though I'm wearing shackles and I walk as if I do. Sometimes it wears off but I am affected most days. Damp weather seems to affect it more so.

cedric profile image
cedric in reply to Albasain

mine is affected in cold and damp weather mine feel like I am in a vice some times it gets me down but I carry on

haze93 profile image

I don't have the ankles and joint pain like tracey65 or longbank, but mines is in the soles of my feet. I've used insoles and had physio (she gave up saying couldn't really help), nothing seems to help. I was told by a lovely vascular surgeon that I don't have any fat in soles hence the feeling of walking on pebbles. As usual was told to loose weight... easier said than done while on steroids. I've been like this since about Aug '11. Don't go out much now due to pain.

Amanda51 profile image

I have painful feet they are worse if they are hot so I try and keep them cold I don't ever wear socks and use freezer packs to keep them cold

John_Mills profile image

This sounds like a good topic for a poll. What do you think? It's the sort of thing that is never mentioned in the list of symptoms for vasculitis diseases and doctors dismiss it very casually. But for we vasculitis sufferers, it's very real. I'm not talking about joint pains, but the burning and/or tenderness.


Albasain profile image
Albasain in reply to John_Mills

Hi John, I have to wear compression stockings every day because of my vasculitis which can cause ulcerations on my lower legs. Thankfully these have been cured. However the vasculitis (small vessel type) has affected two nerve routes in both of my legs (Multiple mono-neuritis) and it is this which causes the sensations in my ankles and feet. When I free my legs of the stockings I can visually see my ankles and feet becoming flushed and of course the sensations occur at the same time. Hope that that helps. Could others describe what they see and feel when they get the pain? There may be similarities here.

JacquiM profile image

Yes I do also. Funny enough I am suffering with that very problem now. My feet have been painful all day particularly my left foot, it feels like it's been stamped on - very hard :-(

NannyAlli profile image

I also get very painful feet and swollen ankle mostlry my left side ankle but both feet . if i have been on them for longer than 2 to 4 hours or shopping im done when i get home


Essex-jill profile image

I have WG and experience extremely painful hands and feet especially in the morning. I sometimes feel like I'm walking on pure bone and they feel so tender. I have difficulty walking down the stairs when I first get up in the morning. I notice this pain gets worse when I'm getting near to receiving my usual maintanance dose of Rutiximab six monthly.

I think this would be an excellent question to poll fellow Vasculitis patients on, would be interesting to see how many of us experience this.


deniseann profile image
deniseann in reply to Essex-jill

I have painful hands and feet,which are also very hot !!.The same problem with stairs too.My GP thinks is partly sp not helping my balance problems.Have lost count of how many kitchen tiles Ive broken through dropping things because of my painful hands :)Good to hear other people get this too if you know what I mean, Thought it was just me.

TrishaOb profile image

used to have very painful feet before i was diagnosed and after to till now especially early morning as the day goes by if i relax by putting feet up it goes away .....even though i have not been walking all day or working it does pain even swells put if i put too much pressure like work in care home all day be on your feet all day do a long shift for two days continuously it gives me trouble .its pains feel like bean of bags

hamble99b profile image

any or a mix can apply:-

* the soles of my feet get raised veins, bright red and burn;

* Particularly when I am in a flare, I can only manage to walk on the outside edges;

* the tops of my feet feel stood on or bruised;

* the right ankle bone swells up:

* the foot & ankle feel fused and I have to throw my foot forward & plonk it down;

* I know they exist and are moving but they don't feel as if they are there;

* the cramp makes them feel like they are locked into claws.


Juliew123 profile image

Please get your doctors to get an. X ray done as I have just been old I have necrotising vasculitus in the feet

Amanda51 profile image

I'm so pleased reading all these comments as I feel like I'm going mad when I tell people that my feet hurt, it feels like I've got tight bands round them. I work as a community nurse which helps as I'm in and out of the car so my feet rest but if I'm in the office I take my shoes off because my feet get so hot. At night I cannot lay on my back as this makes my heels very uncomfortable I like to have my feet hanging out of the bed. When I get out of the shower it feels like my feet are not there I feel like I'm sinking horrible sensations.

bargibar profile image
bargibar in reply to Amanda51

I also have the feeling of tight bands around and along my feet its there all thr time but feet not hot but i also have to put heels over edge of stool or chair because of painful heels

Juliew123 profile image

I soooo pleased that there are people with the same pains as I have

I have been mention this problem for the last 2 years.

I have seen foot doctors and all sorts.

Then they sent me for an x ray ( which I think you all should have done the next time you see your doctors ) as have been told I have necrotising vasculitus which could cut the blood flow to my feet. Which could cause gangrene.

HiveMind profile image

I've suffered from painful feet too. Mainly in the balls of my feet although I've had painful heels too. It was SO debilitating I was almost on the point of buying a mobility scooter. The pain was very real and very upsetting.

I was referred to a physio and she did x-rays etc but she couldn't find anything majorly wrong with me. I bought shoe insoles (as she requested) which did absolutely nothing. They were at a loss as to what was wrong. I think they thought I was making it up. :-( Inexplicably, after a few months the pains (thankfully) went and now I'm fine, although I still do have a few twinges now and again.

I'm glad others have had the same issues (in the nicest possible way) as I thought I was on my own!

Binko profile image

I suffer with painful soles. Parts are numb and other parts feel like someone has caned the soles. I take 10mg of Amitriptylin to help with the pain.

Katie18 profile image

I have very tender feet and they often burn at night. I initially had drop foot as a result of CSS and nerve damage. My foot drop has gone but my feet are very flat. I have to wear specially made innersoles to walk. I hope as my nerves repair even more the pain will subside

gsmith profile image

my feet felt as if i had burnd the sole, my aincient gp prescribed forceval vitamins,to my amazement they worked, when i asked him why, he said i needed the trace elements in them

Bill1959 profile image

Good morning I have M.P.A. the thing with the feet is very interesting . I have had this for about the last 9months . I have no feeling in my feet what so ever and they are constantly freezing . I have mentioned on severel occasions . She sent me for a C.T.Scan as she reckoned it was nothing to with the Vasculitis . I had the results from the scan it was all ok . Thank God for that . But again I mentioned to the Rhumatologist and she has no idea what causes the feet problem . So don't know where to go from here as lost confidence in the Rhumatologist as she is not intrested .

rose13 profile image
rose13 in reply to Bill1959

I have MPA, too. My right foot is often sore, very sore if I'm standing for any length of time. My consultant said he doesn't think it's vasculitis related, as did the rheumatologist, but I think differently. I'm 41, which isn't ancient! Not sure whether to ask for more help/how to pursue this.

amms43 profile image

I have a very painful right foot. I had a neuroma some years ago but now very difficult to wear anything other than rather big trainers most particularly for the affected foot. Both feet and ankles, especially right, swell by evening and feet hot and tight. I did not think of a connection with the vasculitis.

Lyndalou profile image

I also suffer with my hands and feet, I feel as though someone has stamped on my right foot and I can only walk a small distance before I can't stand the pain, I have had scans and nerve tests done but they found nothing and I just don't mention it to them any more. I have lost weight and it makes no difference to the pain, I think that's their answer to everything, losing weight, but it's not.

rose13 profile image

After looking at these posts, I started taking multivitamins, as someone suggested - fab results! My foot pain has all but gone! My consultant thinks possibly psychosomatic, but I don't! So big thank you to whoever suggested multivitamins. :o)

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