the bottoms of my feet feel as if they have ... - Vasculitis UK

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the bottoms of my feet feel as if they have been burnd by hot sand,tingling a lot and very painful after a very short walk,

gsmith profile image
22 Replies

also my joints feel as if they need oiling, is this connected to wegeners or something different?

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gsmith profile image
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22 Replies
Essex-jill profile image

I too experience joint pains especially hands and feet. I also feel the same burning sensation under my feet, sometimes they feel if there is not enough flesh on them to cushion as I walk. The joint pains are part of Vasculitis im afraid.

I find thick insoles help inside my shoes and my partner bought me lovely microwavable slippers that help with the discomfort.

Wish you relief soon.

John_Mills profile image

I too have experienced burning feet and legs in the past and I have heard of other with this problem. One young woman was unable to walk because of the pain - the response of her doctor was that it was because she was not getting enough exercise!! My guess is that it is due to neuropathic damage due to the WG. In my case, the burning was mainly at night, in bed. David Jayne says that burning/hot feet are not a characteristic of vasculitis disease and I have never found it in a textbook. Perhaps I feel another questionnaire coming on!!

I think many of us with vasculitis feel we could use grease nipples on our joints.

I tried glucosamine tablets for a year or so, with no apparent benefit. It takes me half an hour to stand up straight in the morning and my first steps on getting up are quite tottering. But it gets better as the day wears on!

Jackie29 profile image

I had this too and my doctor said it was due to collapsed arches! The pain in the base of my feet is less often these days (in remission thank goodness) however my toes still 'lock' and go out of position which is very painful. I get this very often and I am waiting for nerve tests to see how severe the nerve damage is.

My vasculitis consultant believes it is all due to residual damage caused when the vasculitis was active and went undetected for so long.

gsmith profile image

thanks,it leads to another question, why ,when supposidly in remission, do new problems appear??or could i be having a flare??,i am hoping to have a good chat with my rhumatologist when my october appointment finally arrives, . strangely, keeping my feet warm seems to ease it a bit, i had my toes lock when i streched my legs in bed from being pregnant, and my eldest child is nearly 43

patsy profile image

Been down this road!!! I was actually thinking of getting a motorised scooter because I could not walk for the pain in my feet. I thought at one point the bones would come through the bottom of my feet. My Gp could not help as my vasculitis caused kidney failure so antinflamatory drugs were not an option. I then got called into hospital for surgery and had to be monitered very carefully, After surgery I thought a miricle had happened NO PAIN!! I felt great I could walk dance anything it was amazing. However there is always a down side I had managed to get off Prednisalone before surgery this was my down fall as my body had stopped making its own steriods, that vwas what was causing the pain. Now I cant drop below 15mg of Prednisalone a day if I do I am back to not being able to walk for the pain.

I spoke to my consultant and he said it was the fact that I had come off the steriods (slowly) and then had to go back on them I now accept that I will have to keep taking them or I will just end up in a whheel chair and I am not going down that road.


NannyAlli profile image
NannyAlli in reply to patsy

Hi patsy

I ahve a motor scooter and love it. its has givin me so much more freedom like goign to the shops and wizzing around a friends for coffee ect..

Also for ppl in the UK if u reicve DLA u can also claim a Bus pass :)

Love mine cause the bus stop its out side my back door and i go to town it stops out sid ethe shops:) and then back again .

Worth a try x

patsy profile image
patsy in reply to NannyAlli

I dread giving in to a scooter however if things get worse and the steroids cease to work then I will have to cave. I just dont want to be one of those people who hog the path, try to mow you down in the supermarket and think you have to give way to them because they are on a scooter. I dont think I would be but you have to wear the shoes to see where they nip. lol


haze93 profile image

This may sound bad, but thank god there is more out there who are also suffering from this. I thought it must be my imagination as i've mentioned it to both my GP and consultant and they just avoid the question. It's not there all the time, just when I walk short distances and I have to stop and lift my feet, but lately I have noticed that even after resting in the house, when I do decide to move again the pain in my feet is really really sore and it's worse than before.

patsy profile image
patsy in reply to haze93

I know what you mean , you think you are the only person suffering, Thank god I found this site it has been a big help. Having someone who will just understand is great. I wish I could make us all better , ease the pain of this awful illness that strikes from nowhere still we are still alive , lets be grateful for small mercies.


Binko profile image

I have been prescribed an antidepressant called Amitryptilin 10mg for the pain and it works for me.

Winter64 profile image

I dont know if anyone has any urticarias with their vasculitis but I get pain in my feet when I walk due to pressure urticaria, it can come on the bottom of my feet and also on top of my feet if anything presses on them, the ones of top of my feet normally comes with lots of itching awell, I am sat here jiggling my feet as I had a new pair of shoes today and they have pressed on my feet and they itch like billyio. I also have microwave slippers and they are bliss!!!

NannyAlli profile image


I also get this prob :(

I also feel like im walking on bone instead of fleash,

Im so thankfull of finidning this group so many un answered questions of mine are being answered


gsmith profile image

thanks for all replys, guess i will have to live with it,maybe the mobility scooter is the way forward

patsy profile image
patsy in reply to gsmith

If we all give in we should have a club!!!!


lesley67 profile image

Hi, I was diagnosed with WG 27 years ago, with 1 relapse, have been in resmission with medication for approx 20years. I was so amazed to read about your burning feet as i get the exact same feeling. I truly thought it was my imagination or that i was overweight. Soles of feet burn after a short walk, unless i'm wearing trainers. Tend to stand with weight either on heels or the outside of feet. When reading the other comments i felt relief that it may be connected to WG. I have never mentioned it to any doctors as it sounds so strange when you say it out loud!. Thank you for sharing this.

Hi, I have WG(GPA) since 1999 and amongst other things suffer from spasms in hands and feet/toes which is painful and frightening if it happens when I'm driving the car. I have had the nerve conduction tests (a rather painful test I have to say) but now I am making sure I take the calcichew D3 forte twice a day I think the spasms are far less. This site is so good for sharing and feeling one is not alone, thank you all.

SwgS profile image

Before i was diagnosed,i could hardly out one foot in front of the other,i used a cane,all i could do was get up shower,get to work,come home sleep, no life other than that,i over dosed on pain meds everyday due to how bad the pain was,only to be told by a rheumatologist it was all in my head! And i should be grateful that it was just a bit of muscle/tendon pain.My whole body was full of pain,it was horrendous

This went on for nearly a year,once i was diagnosed and i had huge doses of pred/cyclo, i was pain free everywhere,and now its lower I am back to square one, i can't move anything.

When you are first diagnosed it is scary and lonely, but thanks to groups like this and vasc uk etc you slowly realise you are part of a very special family

gsmith profile image
gsmith in reply to SwgS

i agree,its over 6 years since i first became ill, it took another 15 months for a diagnosis, high dose pred kept me going until cyclo and methatrexate,i have been relativly ok, until this year when the pain has crept back,from mid august the pain in feet and legs is very intense and all my energy, what was left, and enthusiasm has gone,my liver profile, cpr and something else are up,so i think i might be having a flare,my doctor has informd my rhumatologist,but so far no response,because i look tired, my gp gave me vitamin tablets and my pulmonologist is testing me for sleep apnoepea!

Mumito66 profile image

I have altered sensations in both feet so am not always aware of injuries to my feet. I once stood with a piece of glass poking into my foot and only after many minutes became aware of a muffled sensation of burning pain. Walking is painful at best and non existant at worst, sometimes my feet burn like fire and other times(mostly) they feel shrivelled up and cold. Never a happy medium which would on occassion be nice. I have to wear 2 pairs of socks usually thick to cushion my soles because any uneveness of the floor causes shooting pains in the bottom of my feet.

cedric profile image
cedric in reply to Mumito66

I get the same I feel like my feet are in a vice not very pleasant I had a nerve conduct done nearly 2 years ago and my conculent sent me 4 another one the test showed slightly worse this time I have found cushion walk shoes help regards cedric

mickt profile image
mickt in reply to cedric

I get tingling and burning in feet ,mainly after been for a walk.Ive large vessel vasculitis.Im typ1 diabetis also have addisons disease.My gp thimks its diabetic neuropathy I take 30 mg amytripilene .and has helped it helps me sleep to as still on 25mg pred daily.

Desiman profile image

Since last two months under my feet though I don't see any boils, but there is continuous feeling in front half portion of my both the feet , as if there is boils inside or blisters and it has bearable pain, but when I walk at distance of 500 meters or stand for long time, it pains a lot and I have to take brake. Though Homeopathy medicines were taken from Dr.(Mrs) Parinaz Humranwals and also elepathic capsules Dureon was taken for a month and now for last 6 days one capsule night time I have been advised by Dr. Rahul Tambe of Nanavati Hospital capsule PREGALIN M 75 that I have started taking. According to them veins of leg get narrowed and blood supply is not proper and this problem happens. Guide me.

Anil Goenka, age 66 yrs. running, Mumbai-19