I've just been diagnosed with vasculitis. Haven't even got a specific diagnosis yet as my PET scan isn't until next tues. Symptons are an inflamed aorta blood vessal in my stomach and constant back pain.
I'm only just beginning to realise how debilihtating this condition is. I'm only 36 and have two kids! I can only only walk short distances and any activity leaves me exhausted and in even more pain.
I was wondering whether there were any other sufferes in my area? (norwich area) and what your experiences with treatment/service have been like. My docs are being very unhelpful and I'm thinking of switching, but would like a reccomendation to somewhere that will be accessable and helpful.
Sorry if this is a bit moany, but I have to admit to being confused and a bit frightened by everything thats going on. I suppose until I get some answers I just have to live with it, but its hard. The information is so varied, especially about treatment, and its full of jargon I've yet to get the hang of. Just looking for vasculitis buddies really!