Hi, I’ve had 6 Rituximab infusions now and I have to say it a life saver. I think I just felt tired from the first one but after that all good. And I have my life back. I also have GPA Vasculitus. All the best.
Rituximab infusion : Hi, I’ve had 6 Rituximab... - Vasculitis UK
Rituximab infusion

Thank you for sharing your experience, I’m starting my 5th infusion today. After the first 4 my mobility improved and I’d say I’m back to 50% of my old self. I’d love to think after this round I’ll improve even more. I’m hoping to climb onto my motorcycle and ride off into the sunset…
Snap! I have had 6 infusions too, and am well into remission. I have moved to annual infusions now and thankfully no re-emergence of any symptoms thus far.
Hello, fellow GPA sufferer. Great to hear that Rituximab is working and making you well again. I was so ill with refractory GPA during my 30s, that when I had the opportunity to have Rituximab, I leapt at the chance. I was one of the first to have the drug specifically for vasculitis in the UK at Addenbrookes Hospital, Cambridge....it hadn't been licenced for that specific use until after I had started treatment. After almost a year of treatment, it was discovered that Rituximab had destroyed my white cells. Today, I'm kept reasonably well with Immuno-replacement therapy ( a donor's white cell weekly transfusion). I've been ill with infections, spent more time in hospital than I should, BUT I wouldn't change a thing. Rituximab is a remarkable therapy for those such as we. It made me well enough to work, enjoy life and travel. The best of wishes to you and all the Rituximab patients. Stay well.
I too am only alive due to this drug. I’m on the every 6 month infusions after 4 years and doing my best. Lungs and sinuses are always something to watch but no hospitalizations in 6 months. I’m running weekly and topped out at 10k and trying a half marathon soon. I refuse to let this disease beat me. It would be nice to have an immunity meter like available for diabetes as I still live in a bubble due to past years catching everything and getting really sick.