l have a low neutrophil count l know this can be caused by the immune system , but what does it mean ? How common is it ? Can l still have rituximub treatment ? I have looked it up , but there are so many options l am getting confused. Thank you
white blood cells : l have a low neutrophil... - Vasculitis UK
white blood cells

Hi Artists,
I am in your position too where my Nutrafils are very low. Mine is due to the Rituximab depleting them after treatment. I also have low Imuloglobins which again the Rituximab has depleted. I started taking lots of vitamins to help my immune system which so far has worked but that might be coincidental I’m not sure but they seem stable, low but stable. I have an immunologist on my team now and they can give you donated Immuloglobins but not sure about Nutrafils. Just be very careful around people who have illnesses which I’m sure you’re doing anyway.
thank you l afraid that it was the infusion . It seems to be the only thing that works for me . I realise that l should be grateful it’s not something worse 🥴
Hi Artist ,you may get this twice, ( I thought I had sent it ,but can’t see it)
I also have a low white blood count which I have had for as long as I have had Vasculitis , I may well have always had it ,but it only showed in Vasculitis blood test . I have no idea why I have it ,
On my yearly GP general basic check up , it flags up as low ,then 2 weeks later it shows as just above border line . Apparently it fluctuates even when low.
My Vasculitis Consultant has advised my GP of this , but they appear to disregard this , so it’s back to blood test which goes nowhere
Yes. you are right . the next time the bloods were ok . Sometimes a little knowledge isn’t good . Maybe it was less stressful when we didn’t know the blood results . Thank you
As an after thought , I remember one time my GP prescribed Folic Acid ( a common over the counter drug I understand ,so perhaps not a “dangerous “ drug for us ) for 3 months ,and apparently it helped, at that time , however it has since flagged low again quite a few times ,so apparently not a long term solution,