Stopped pred in July this year & been fine since. Had bloods November & was told although bloods look good my ANCA has gone up. To be on safe side I am now being given rutuximab as maintenance once a year. Have had a lingering cold for a few weeks now & not felt my greatest had bloods before my infusion which have showed my CRP has increased from 2 to 16. Would this be the cold that has caused this to rise or should I be concerned. tia
CRP Rise: Stopped pred in July this year... - Vasculitis UK
CRP Rise

Check the cold is not Covid. There’s a lot of it about.
Thank you. I have done 2 Covid tests which both showed negative.
My understanding is that inflammatory markers can rise if you have a cold. When I had a TIA last summer mine rose a bit. I continued on the same pred dose, bloods tested a month later and CRP/ESR reduced.
Yea this is what I am thinking. I had bloods in November & marker was 2 again in December &16. I was just worried in case I was flaring but all other bloods looked ok. Have next bloods in March I should think if my consultant was worried he would contact me as I am no longer on pred. Maybe I am just over thinking things. Just a constant worry.
I know, I’m the same. I do get blood bags from my rheumatologist so can get them done as I taper. I’ve had other bloods done via the surgery for other issues. I sometimes ask if they can add CRP/ESR to the FBC. I like to monitor it for myself for peace of mind.
A lot of things will cause your inflammatory markers to rise including a cold.
If you had bloods in November and then Rituximab it may be too early for the RTX to have had an effect. It's a slow burner and usually takes a month or so.
Thank you, yes I had routine 3 monthly bloods in November which my CRP was 1. Four weeks later bloods taken before rutiximab CRP was 16 I hadn’t felt well for a couple weeks & have had a lingering cold which is what I thought may have added to the high result rather than a flare. Still have the cold but feel ok in myself just a little congested. I think maybe I am just panicking.