MPA with throat or ear pain.
When there is throat or ear involvement with... - Vasculitis UK
When there is throat or ear involvement with MPA, what is that like? I have pain in both but not like flu.
Is this a new symptom or a reoccurring problem PattyMPA?
The ear and throat/eustachian tube pain and congestion is new for about 10 days. I have had sinus problems, rhinitis, all my life. I have IgA deficiency which may explain that. Eisinophils are fine but 30 years ago it was Eosinophilic non allergic Rhinitis. Maybe I have GPA nit MPA? I am P ANCA MPO diagnosed as MPA and had high CRP and ESR plus a lit else wrong...chronic lung and pleurisy problems (just cleared up) and undetermined nodule in lung they cannot biopsy I see Pulmonologist and Rheumatologist Monday. On 15 mg Pred + 12.5 Methotrexate 1x a wk. Maybe not aggressive enough. We go to Kauai Friday and I so badly want to act normal and play in the sea.
I've got MPA too. No problem with ears get sore throats put down to acid reflux. If it's something new let your consultant know and get it checked out.
I’ve not yet gotten a diagnosis, as I’ve been told by my doctors, my case is “complicated.” That being said, there’s suspicion of vasculitis, specifically CNSV. I suffer from headaches (not debilitating), transient spots of head (sore to the touch temples) and facial pain— kinda like a numbing pressure. I get intermittent ear pain, with constant tinnitus— ringing, with one-sided clicking. A few months ago, my throat would be sore for a week, then pass, only to reappear. The pain felt like a squeezing tightness. Not sure what I’m dealing with, but thought I’d share.
All the best.
It turns out it us reflux frim my MTX.