What is the best way to have this proceddure done???Solution to having this done.I already have to travel away from my local hospital.Sedated??be admitred? ??only request one attempt on consent form.Umn any thing else.Please please please it may help me.
Lumbar puncture : What is the best way to have... - Vasculitis UK
Lumbar puncture
Hi Jan,
If you are really concerned about having the lumber puncture done then it's important to make the staff aware. It may be that your GP can give you some diazepam to take beforehand to help with the anxiety.
Most lumber punctures are straight forward but if you are significantly overweight or have back problems they can be challenging. The trick is to get the most experienced person you can to do it. That's more likely to be a specially trained nurse or middle grade Dr than a Consultant. If you are really concerned then the Dr's with most experience in doing them are anaesthetists as they put in epidurals every day ( a similar procedure ).
If all else fails remind yourself why you need to get this test done, getting answers and appropriate treatment is the most important thing in the long term. Good luck.
Thank you for your reply.I am 5ft 1 and a size 12,fairly smallish.No back problems.But because I have experienced tias and visual loss and in the past I have fainted at hospital due to lack of air and a feeling of suffocation.I really don't know how I will be during and afterwards.Yes am trying to focus on the plus side of getting it done and over with,and it may or may not lead to further tests.PMA I'm trying.
I recently had a lumber puncture done whilst in hospital it isn't as bad as the mind conjors up. They did it under a lot of local anaesthetic just lying on my side on the bed in the ward. If you are really worried though you must tell them and maybe ask if someone can come in with you. Hope it all goes well for you. X
Thank you for replying.My neurologist phoned yesterday and has put the Lumbar punture on hold.I am going to review and still carry out esophilia count and a vessel kidney ultrasound and will update him on any more symptoms it has been agreed.So feel relieve at moment,but still appreciate positive thoughts on the proceddure,as I feel it will be still on his agenda.