We need a slogan to go with the vasculitis cat T shirt...... it is for vasculitis awareness month in May so needs to follow a "vasculitis" theme or "living with vasculitis theme". This is just for a bit of fun. Thanks to Kelly, Kelly has Vasculitis, She has designed a wonderful cat's face with Vasculitis UK colours and wonderful Vasculitis V's for eyes. We need a slogan to go with "cat", the first prize will be the t shirt itself in the size you want. please leave a comment or private message me , with your slogan
Vasculitis Awareness Month, is May ..... Thi... - Vasculitis UK
Vasculitis Awareness Month, is May ..... This just for fun...


Brilliant Nadine
The Cat Got The Cream But I Got Vasculitis!
This is great Berkshire Bird!!!!
Cats Have Nine Lives. I Have One. Support Vasculitis Awareness.
love the we are not purfect slogan with maybe support Vasculitis on the back or lower down on the t/shirt?
8 out of 10 cats won't get won't get vasculitis
It ain't the cat's whiskers
There's nothing in the 'kitty'... please help support vasculitis awareness

Wow they are all brilliant thank you the response has been amazing
What brilliant minds we have!
Pussycat, pussycat, where have you been?
To a few hundred doctors with a disease never seen.
Pussycat, pussycat what did you there?
I found out my vasculitis is exceedingly rare!

they get better
These are all so good Suzy. I don't envy you having to choose!
Oops! Don't envy them then!
Out on the tiles...... Not likely, not until the key to curing vasculitis is funded!
Love the cat t shirt, when will we be able to buy one.

Kelly's Kitty Kat Knows...
We Know...
Kitty Kat Knows...
We Know...
Know Vasculitis,
No Vasculitis!
Has to be something to do with 'CAT scans' surely!

Only two days left.. to think of a slogan...thank you for all your replies ..judging will take place next week by Joe and Ian
Like a cat VASCULITIS creeps up on you, then POUNCES!
like it!
Derek you have won there is a runner up too from face book I will post the pictures later when I am organised. Congratulations
Going to see the Guy who creates the t shirts today.
Love these ideas - I had some slogan ideas but wasn't able to think of anything catchy involving the cat ! Well done every one!

Results will be announced Wednesday morning , the response has been amazing there just maybe two t shirts and two prizes
Thank you Suzym2u, a lovely surprise with so many catchy slogans submitted. It was just how I felt when vasculitis took hold of me, totally out of the blue!
I am new to this.......... suggestions, what can I do to help the cause, papers, radio, TV etc, my local area is in need of something.
Well done Derek.
Kind Regards Charles