help/advice that would help us with our case. My husband has vasculitis and had to leave work on health ground over 12 months ago..
My husband is going to tribunal at the end o... - Vasculitis UK
My husband is going to tribunal at the end of the month for DLA and we are doing this on our own. Is there anywere where we can get

Often CAB (Citizens Advice Bureau) have people who can help and they are worth trying.
Is this an appeal against a decision? I do get the impression that they are often successful. However - all the very very best.

Here is a link to the Vasculitis UK website which you might find useful Jules
I have used a web forum for ESA / DLA advice. They are much more approachable than Benefits and Work AND they are FREE! Excellent for 'real world' advice. Informal and supportive. Very helpful people.
I doubt you will need it but if you don't know where to start get hold of one of the Admin people. There is a lady called 'annana' who is incredibly helpful.
Good luck .
I contacted my local council (benefits dept) they are usually very busy, but I persuaded a person to accompany me, through my social worker & I was succesful.....hope this helps.
i would not do your own throgh my experince i had rep from cab he was brill they try to catch u out like sit down please asnd u have the lowest chair in the room i stood and told them im so sorry but i cannot manage that get all your q ready as well because it is there job to mk sure you diont get it i won but many dont when i had med doc said i picked up my handbag and my money was stop straight away i waiting over yr for tribunerel but as i say i won and they gave me bk pay but dont think they do it now hope this helps hun
Many thanks for all your help and advice. I will contact CAB and the web site