Seizures, I have just got out of hospital af... - Vasculitis UK

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Seizures, I have just got out of hospital after having what appeared to be two seizures.

annie330 profile image
4 Replies

My diagnosis is a funny one, rheumy says vasculitis, lupus and APS but neurologist says vasculopathy; the treatment is the same. The hospital have told me I need to get both rheumy and neurology appointments brought forward and I am unable to drive until. However they haven't given me anything to go on and how do they know if they are seizures or not. Can the things I have cause seizures, does anyone have any advice or information please.

Thank you

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annie330 profile image
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4 Replies
AndrewT profile image

Dear annie330,

Have you contacted John about this? He is extremely knowledgeable, far more than I am. Knowing John he will probably read this anyway, am I right? If not 'post' him a comment directly, or through this 'forum' and good luck.


Elainekay42 profile image

My son has severe UV with systemic and mast cell involvement. He has had a spell of about 12 nocturnal seizures. The neurologist has ordered a brain scan and eeg. I don't think the neurologist had heard of vasculitis so a bit worrying.

luggsey profile image

My Mum had seizures and stroke which were vasculitus related, to this day they don't really know if it was directly caused by vasculitus or as a result of having vasculitus. Did they check your kidney function? Mums consultants also suspected very low sodium may have caused seizures, her kidneys were affected badly causing many levels to go wrong.

EOS7D profile image

I have Cerebral Granulomatous Angitiis that is a form of Vascilitis in the Central Nerve System currently in remmission since 1998, unfortunately the damage to the brain is such that seizures can and do occur, my epilepsy has been controlled since 1998 and I did get my licence back after just over a year.Short term memory dreadful, spelling poor etc etc but I live and breath.

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