Can positive c anca be caused by cholestorol? - Vasculitis UK

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Can positive c anca be caused by cholestorol?

Tinkytink profile image
7 Replies

The rheumatologist i saw said perhaps my c anca positive could be high cholestorol...mine is 5.6... And that some people just happen to be positive for no good reason. My sinuses were probably the clearest and more pain free than in months with no bleeding in the two days prior...which is typical after all the times I have had sleepless nights with the pain. Is this possible for symptoms to be really bad for a couple of months and then improve spontaneoulsy for a couple of weeks at a time? r does that mean it cant be vasculitis?

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7 Replies
John_Mills profile image

Random analysis of routine blood samples from apparently healthy people across the population have shown that some people are ANCA +ve to some extent. ANCA results are a useful guide but should not be taken in isolation as an indicator of vasculitis activity. Of course lots of people who do not have vasculitis do have sinusitis for a variety of reasons.


dskizs profile image

Thank you John. My doctors are saying the same thing. (I am still waiting for biopsy results). That some people are just ANCA positive and possibly could have been for quite some time since this was never tested until I was 61. I still would like to know if high cholesterol can be one of the causes of high or inconsistent ANCA scores? My cholesterol has always been a bit high 245 and am on meds. However 2 years ago when I felt my worse with Hashimoto hypothyroidism my cholesterol went to 310. So I still would like to know if high cholesterol causes high ANCA or vis versa.

Tinkytink profile image
Tinkytink in reply to dskizs

Hi, I also have underactive thyroid so wonder if thats the problem...the whole thing seems like a minefield

dskizs profile image

I agree and since I have not been officially diagnosed with vasculitis I am hoping in the back of my mind that the 2 of the 3 doctors who said I did not have it are right. My symptoms started 3 years ago: sleeping 12 hours a day, gained 25 pounds (inspire of exercising with a coach 3 days a week), sad, sinus infections for months at a time, then dr found lump on thyroid and sent for test and discovered i had Hashimoto. Cholesterol shot to 310 or something and so went on synthetic thyroid meds and synthetic cholesterol meds. BUT still could not lose the weight and sad, sleeping and infections back. So switched dr. Went on armoire thyroid (used for 100 years and comes from compound pharmacies. It is the thyroid from pigs) and she lowered my cholesterol meds from 40g to 20g. Plus tons of natural vitamins, B COMPLEX, D, procolestol (first milk from mother cows). I have nails, sleep less cholesterol down to 219 hair growing like a weed not sinus infection since february and feel 100 percent better. But in the mean time the immune doctor pronounced ANCA positive. Have had 2 others say no even the one who took the sinus biopsy last week. But still waiting for the results. Like you I am still curious. Is it the Hashimoto that has effected my immune system or am I ANCA positive with vasculitis. Crazy! Keep me posted!

Tinkytink profile image

I really hope you manage to get your health back under comtrol soon....sounds awful

Shezian profile image

Hi John, where shouts did you site these studies? As l am unable to find such studies when l googled healthy people positive ANCA? Not much seems to come up.

Also, wanted to add, that all of the specialists that l have seen seem to think l don't have

Vasculitis and l and P- ANCA positive, MPO negative.

Are you PR3 positive as well or just C- ANCA positive?

Makes a big difference.

Also, my symptoms come and go and am not sure if this is typical of vascuitis. I have read it can be and everyone is different. But l will be feeling close to normal for months and then feel bad for months. I wonder if you can be feeling normal and have vasculitis?

Cheers Sue

dskizs profile image

Well sinus biopsy came back inconclusive. Was told since I have no other problems with kidney, reumetiod or breathing we would wait for ANCA scores to increase. then another nasal biopsy. but i have had the same anca score over the year 1-60 and doctor said my level is "at the level of those V patients who are on doses of meds" whatever that means. Basically tinkytink I am just as puzzled. I think thyroid/Hashimoto challenges effect your whole system and could possibly influence ANCA and cholesterol.

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