Walk the Worcestershire Way (or WWW as I know abbreviate it to) is looming ever closer...
I'm on my final push to alienate as many friends and work colleagues as I can to squeeze the last drop of blood from their wallets, so will be promoting our walk more here, on Linkedin and Facebook over the next few days. My employer are promoting a piece on our website and through Twitter too wrighthassall.co.uk/wh-comm...
I spoke to Dilysbean from this site too last night. She has kindly spoken to ladies that arrange the coffee morning and cake sales in Martley Village, which is half way along our route and it sounds like they are willing to provide the proceeds of one of their mornings to Vasculitis UK. Well done Dilys! This combined with Chris's press appearance yesterday and the articles and radio interview in Worcester will hopefully mean we're getting the word out locally.
Tomorrow I'll post about my final preparations, as from today I'm starting to prepare my body as well as my mind for the whole event. Today I will be mostly buying 48 litres of water to keep everyone hydrated along the route and seeing if I can get any response from the national papers.