Posts - Understanding Clinical Trials | HealthUnlocked
All posts for June 2017
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Clinical Trial Awareness Checklist
Want to learn more about clinical trials? We've put together a short checklist t...
Education before Participation: Can a participant leave a clinical trial after it has begun?
Yes. A participant can leave a clinical trial, at any time. When withdrawing fro...
Education before Participation: Does a participant continue to work with a primary health care provider while in a trial?
Yes. Most clinical trials provide short-term treatments related to a designated ...
Did you know 95% of volunteers would consider participating in another trial?
If you have previously participated in a clinical trial, would you consider part...
Education Before Participation: What kind of preparation should a potential participant make?
What kind of preparation should a potential participant make for the meeting wit...
Eli Lilly designs Art Piece to honor Clinical Trial Participants
CISCRP has been working with Eli Lily to promote a creative sculpture designed t...