Hi all,
I was first diagnosed with UP in 2003 by a private doctor, I had the brownish marks on the tops of my thighs and arms .
I was told that there was no treatment , hopefully it would fade in time and to use a camouflage makeup as a cover up !
My condition gradually got worse and the marks then turned red and raised and sometimes became itchy when I exercised . In 2017 I was referred to a NHS dermatologist , I had further blood tests and a 4 week course of ultra light treatment ( which joined up the spots and gave me an even skin tone for a couple of months )
When I went back for a checkup , there were a group of medical students present and one of these students mentioned SM and suggested that I should have a tryptase test done. The tryptase results came back slightly high and I went onto have a bone marrow test which confirmed that I had SM . I also had a spleen & liver ultrasound and bone density scan which all came back as normal.
I was referred to a Haematologist consultant at The Clatterbridge Cancer center, who I see yearly and I have full blood checks every 6 months.
My consultant has always been surprised that I have never shown symptoms of allergy to anything .
However in the last couple of months on 3 occasions after being out in the cold and coming back indoors, the rash has completely covered my arms , torso and both legs ,this has been extremally itchy and I had a burning sensation all over my body, I then felt sick , very cold and exhausted for a few hours . I am due to have my bloods checked in March and will let them know about these episodes . Could anyone recommend any over the counter antihistamines , just incase I have another reaction.