Currently on 1mg of ketotifen capsules. Can this be upped to higher dose? It helps but doesn't last long .
Can u increase the dose of ketotifen? - The UK Mastocytos...
Can u increase the dose of ketotifen?

The NICE guidelines say up to 2mg twice a day for adults. I do know some people who take more than 1mg twice a day.
Ooh mabye sumit I will mention in march when I see dr croom. Because it seem to be getting worse the hives at moment. Typically when I have upped my antihistamines they finally give me a appointment for allergy testing for dentist medication I will have stop it all for 7 days dreading it in nov .
Hi :0) I was on 4mg prescribed but one dr. When I swapped doctors the new one said that was far too high and risks more damage than help... she says 2mg is the highest. So I am cutting down. I guess it must be a matter of opinion!! Hope that helps. X
Gosh that is alot did it help though with it being more higher dose
I have come of all my antihistamines mast cell medication on 13th for week for skin prick testing for anesthetic testing am dreading it I no going be really unwell .
Have you seen the anaesthetic protocol from our charity at the Royal College of Anaesthetists? It's available from for download. If you want to pop me an email I could send you a few more on anaesthesia. It's frustrating for MCAS patients in that the papers are generally written about mastocytosis. This is because it's an easier population to study because there is agreement on how to arrive at a diagnosis, so the papers may be applicable, but we can't be certain. My email is
Are you safe (not prone to anaphylaxis) when off your ketotifen?
Hi jess I never put two together just realised I may have emailed u before about meds for mast cell .I think I possibly seen the protocol on websites but i will email incase i have not it is something different thank you .