You are feeling veeeeery sleeeepy.... - Tourettes Action

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You are feeling veeeeery sleeeepy....

LittleClapham profile image
2 Replies

I haven't been blogging too frequently because I have been almost constantly sleeping. It seems my brain is once again not content to live with four neurological conditions and might be adding a fifth one into the mix. I haven't been diagnosed yet but I am being monitered for possible narcolepsy as it is running in the family.

Basically about three days after I wrote the last blog post I started feeling REALLY tired. Not just, 'ooh I need a nap' tired or 'I had a bad night' tired, heck I have been sleeping just fine. This was intense tiredness that would not go off unless I drank a bottle of Lucozade and even then I am fighting to stay awake. At first I wasn't too worried. After all we had the scabies outbreak so I just assumed my immune system was reacting to the little b****rs on my skin (I came out in a small rash :( ). It has now nearly gone into week three of this constant tiredness and my doctor, who has proclaimed my blood to be 100% healthy (so not anaemia) has told me I need an appointment every 10 days for a couple of months. If it doesn't stop (he said a virus shouldn't last this long) then I might have to have more tests. Graaaagh...

At first the possibility that it could be narcolepsy didn't even come into my mind. It was only when I laughed loudly then collapsed (still concious) that I realised what my affliction could be. See muscle weakness during emotion can be a symptom of cataplexy which is a symptom of narcolepsy... Or it could just be my TS throwing something new at me. I have been having both severe attacks (falling to the floor and getting bruises and cuts) and mild ones where my head falls forwards for a few seconds. Time will only tell whether this is the TS playing a nasty trick on me or whether I have the dreaded Clapham curse (why did I have to move to Clapham road?).

Today, having drunk Coke (bad I know...) then a coffee I was able to go out and buy train tickets for my day in London on Saturday (see you there guys and gals!). My tics have been really bad and I look a bit like I have parkinsons because it is shaking me constantly! NO BRAIN DON'T GET ANY IDEAS!!! Some of the more prominent ones have included constant arm movements, collapsing ankles (leading to more falls and cuts), walking backwards, hand flapping (as opposed to my autistic hand flapping which is voluntary) and repeating the same word over and over. Anyhoo, I will try and keep this blog a bit more up to date providing I don't spend the next three months asleep...

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LittleClapham profile image
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2 Replies
catherinem profile image

I hope it isn't anything too serious. I hopw it's just a stress thing that's caught up with you after moving and some of the other stuff.

I did have a strange phase like that when I left my ex. After I had done the major thing and moved house and settled in I started getting REALLY tired. It was thye summer holiday so I had two jobs, most days me and my house mate would be behind the bar in pub in the city centre, this shift was a killer, it would suddenly go from empty to very busy, so we spent a lot of time just standing there waiting, in my case trying to stay awake, I could fall asleep whilst pulling a pint, or even reaching up to the optics. Needless to say there was copious amounts of lucozade tablets behind the bar, the manager was never around so I also drank a lot of coke to help keep me awake. We'd then go home, have dinner, maybe a nap then off the The Albany for more pint pulling, this time the customers constant, a lot of trad ale drinkers (this makes a difference as they had the proper hand pulled trad ales) and I had more responsibility so I had to be oftening running to the cellar to change barrels and get other stock. Like you I had some blood tests, but nothing came up, slightly aneamic, but nothing major. Supply of out-of-date McCoys at the Albany to keep the energy up.

alexfrombath profile image

Really hope it doesn't turn out to be another thing to add to the pile...thats the last thing anyone needs! I'm always falling asleep from my meds at the moment...managed to fall asleep walking O_o

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