Hello. I don’t know if I have TS. I know that nobody can give me a set diagnosis here, but I am hoping to maybe get some clarity and some answers to questions ive had for a very long time.
Ever since I was a little kid I have always made unusual unconscious movements. I never noticed it until the kids at school started making fun of me for it; and it never bothered me until friends would ask me why I am making strange faces. They do not stay the same. Sometimes it is as simple as scrunching my nose, raising my eyebrows or pursing my lips. Ive had others that are more noticeable where I would tense my neck muscles and sort of make a grimace at the same time, or were I would move my jaw up and down till it was sore. I went through a horrible skin picking phase for awhile, thankfully that was not very long. The only vocal one I have ever done was making a throat clearing sound when I was about 7. I call them nervous tics because I do not know how else to describe them. They are constant, I have never been without them for as long as I can remember. Most of the time I don’t even realize I am making the movements until someone says something. They happen when I am completely relaxed too, watching tv or reading a book. I can’t feel them about to happen, but I do get an uncomfortable feeling if I try to not do them. I have been taking medication for anxiety and depression for a little over a year now. I can’t say there has been any change with the tics, which is frustrating. I feel like if they were just from anxiety they would have subsided by now. I hope someone here can offer a bit of insight.