I'm a guitarist and use hearing protection when playing with a band. However, at certain volumes / frequencies, even with the protection I get what feels like a vibration / buzz in my left ear...which has the worst tinnitus. It's not an enjoyable sensation but of course there's a lot of psychology at play too I suppose.
I've not had had an MRI. My (private health) ENT looked at my ears, said they were normal and that I should just ignore it, like he does....
Anyhow, I've heard of bones fusing together causing tinnitus....but not of them literally rattling.
It's a long shot I know, but could my ear reacting like that point to any kind of physical cause; bones, ear drum, Eustachian tubes...I guess any of the ear anatomy?
I know they can't do anything about nerve / hair cell damage (and some don't even believe in that theory any more like my ENT)....but it does have me wondering if this experience would indicate anything that could be investigated.
Worth asking I guess.....