I missed my dose yesterday. I'm normally on the ball there, but not that day. So my basic grade tinnitus is roaring away. It's there most of the time anyway but lower with Ginkgo. Often it goes away for a bit. Thanks, Ginkgo.
Dosage is 90mg, taken over a day. 3 x 30mg. Then nothing for a full 2 days after. The tablet is crushed, and weighed out on a small electronic weighing machine that measures down to 1mg. To get 30mg of Ginkgo, you need 62mg of bits, which includes the binding agent. Furthermore, the bits are ground by teeth and absorbed in the mouth. Just as chewing the actual leaf. In other words, keeping the stuff well clear of stomach acid.
The 2 day gap looks to be essential. It could be the case that Ginkgo needs to leave the system before the next dose can be recognised. This observation backed up by my once taking the 90mg dose daily. Nothing happened from that. No relief at all.
There it is. If it can happen for me...well, you know the rest...