Musical tinnitus : Hello I want to share a... - Tinnitus UK

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Musical tinnitus

Lilyian22 profile image
16 Replies

Hello I want to share a thought about this condition that I have had as past 2 years with no let up at all.....musical problem is when I wake up in morning the music is there looping the very second im awake as the day goes in I hear songs during the day on YouTube or TV and for some weird reason they stick and loop until the next jingle I hear replaces it ..I had a loop in my head for 2 weeks with heavy tinnitus and hyperacusis all at same time ...sleep was destroyed..after 2byea4s it is not as bad to deal with everything inside you will habituate to it ....if anyone has same problem when they hear a song or a melody in a shop for instance..and it sticks looping ..I would have about 3 of these happen per day used to be heavy when it was the same music loop for days....does music catch you out like this .??? I was so scared when T hit me i thought I was gonna die from lack of sleep and sensitive to my surroundings bit that eased up eventually with hyperacusis...I just live with this looping of random musical nonsense occupying about 30% of my thinking each day ..remember life before this!!??? I sure don't...hope to hear from yous musical minds im.45 yes old ...this started when I was 43 ......

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16 Replies
Happyrosie profile image

if you put the term “musical tinnitus” to the search box top left of this page you’ll see a few posts. It’s not as common as tinnitus (which perhaps one in ten or more of the population has).

However, the “treatment” is the same - go to the website of Tinnitus UK for hints and tips, and then come back to us here. Remember there is no “cure” so don’t spend money unless recommended here or by a professional - people can try to make money out of us. There are many ways to manage tinnitus, and it could be a question of trying one thing or another. But the key is habituation

TinnitusUKPat profile image

I'd echo what Happyrosie has advised, with the addition of our website's guide to musical hallucination/musical tinnitus -

One of the most common factors in this condition is a degree of hearing loss, so in practical terms, having a hearing test can provide some answers and treatment options if a loss is diagnosed.

Lilyian22 profile image
Lilyian22 in reply to TinnitusUKPat

Thanks for your comment ...i have had 3 hearing tests,an (mri) scan and my hearing loss is not bad ...just slightly on left ear.. I can hear well when tinnitus isn't running high ....I devilped all this after covid hit me hard for 12 weeks I woke up and out of nowhere I had hyperacusis, earworms ,tinnitus,,panic ..I thought the covid had done this for long time now ...I don't think my hearing loss is enough for this reaction quality of life and im 2 years in with this torture

ClareP5 profile image
ClareP5 in reply to Lilyian22

I’m sorry I have nothing more to add re PT, but if you still have post Covid symptoms, I would suggest you try high dose B12 supplements. Best of luck.

Pipster25 profile image
Pipster25 in reply to Lilyian22

Hello Lillian. I dont have musical tinnitus but i would describe my tinnitus as severe, reactive and somatic, with hyperacusis My life has been destroyed. My severe T suddenly developed over a few days from a previously mild T which I was well habituated to. I also get strange sudden "zaps" of a burst of higher intensity T over a short period, a couple of seconds duration. In my opinion , it is not possible to habituate to severe T , once the T has a certain strength it is too strong for the brain to deal with. Especially T which is not a single tone like a whistle. I also think my original T may be linked to getting covid , but there is no way of knowing for sure. Did you get musical T from the start , or did it develope over time from normal T. And what is an ear worm. Best Wishes with the struggle.

Lilyian22 profile image
Lilyian22 in reply to Pipster25

Morning tinnitus started out of nowhere so I was at level 10 straight away ,thats maybe why I reacted so badly ..but I did habituated over time ..musical T happened instantly when this happened,,its took me nearly 2 years to live with it so I think even high level T you will habituate in time yourself i caught severs dose of covid and since then my ears haven't been the same ,there is YouTube news reports of tinnitus in covid at the time ,,no one knows for sure ,the doctor goes silent when i mention covid as the result ,,,im just glad i didn't go through with suicide on my last birthday ,,,yes it was that bad I wanted it to end ,I prayed each not to wake in the morning ..but hang in there ,it does get easier in time (alot of time) but it does get better

Lilyian22 profile image
Lilyian22 in reply to Pipster25

An earworm is a loop od music repeating in your mind non stop ..people have killed themselves because of it ,and I was very close to it one day last year ,,earworms ,repeatedly hearing same music loops over an over an over etccc

horsewhispere profile image

Hi Lilyian...thanks for your post..and everyone elses too...I shall answer all by using the 'reply'

to yours if that's ok Lilyian, as to be honest I can't find how to write a post and because of the PT I have the patience and attention span of a nit! It's all very interesting isn't it?......but also horrendous in equal measures. I can make out songs with my PT that just 'stick'! So I have to turn on the tv or anything else that will drown it out...but like some of you, the first thing in the morning when the rest of planet earth is asleep I wake up with a start to the same 'manure' different day! This, as I mentioned before starts off the racing heart which I'm starting to control with breathing in and out of a paper one does with a panic attack which is exactly what it is!!! Of course, then I tear up with frustration and have my own little pity party while my husband is snoring his head off!! I am seeing a therapist next week...we're going to talk about it - the PT - plus the anxiety and try some techniques. I seriously sympathise and empathise with all of you....maybe some clever brain surgeon can 'disconnect' whatever it is that causes it. Based on the theory that what goes up must come down! Hubby and I have just come home from waiting 7 hours at a hospital which is 85 miles away.....but that's another story.....meanwhile take care of yourselves. And this PT sufferer does care! I have to add a bit of humour otherwise I'd lose the rest of the plot!! Speak soon.xx

Geronima profile image

Hi Lilyan22 I too suffer with similar musical tinnitus. It started nearly 5 months ago when I woke up one morning with a tune playing on and on. I blamed wax in my ears but it persisted even after I had my ears cleared. The volume has now reduced but it’s still there, at times dimming to a humming sound. As you say you habituate to it to a certain extent, in my case I have age related hearing loss and I’m waiting to be seen by Audiology. Good to know this musical thing does happen or you start thinking you are the only one! All the best.

Lilyian22 profile image
Lilyian22 in reply to Geronima

I know what you mean I thought I was the only one with this but im soo happy I was suggested this webpage to see what on earth is going on with my ears ..thank you for reply geronima

Enort profile image

Hi Lilyan

Sometimes it can happen with Tinnitus as the brain is hypersensitive to sounds.

Every now and then it does happen to me that if I have been mixing or listening to a song on repeat during the day, it would go on loop whilst half asleep and until the morning.

Meditation, and walks in the woods help 'cooling' down your brain hypersensitivity.

Try it.

Lilyian22 profile image
Lilyian22 in reply to Enort

Heya thanks for reply.. this started 2 years ago and I changed my life no sugar ,caffeine ,took alot of supplements..long walks with my partner ..forest walks ..been there and done it all one thing that helps me is being busy ..but I can't be busy all the time or i would burn out I listen to podcasts and music I 'actually enjoy.forrset noise for bedtime and when I wake to some random crazy as song from god knows what decade is looping ...covid ??? I think it has and there is alot on YouTube about people getting tinnitus from covid jabs ..but enough about that..I just wish I could have some inner peace without my brain firing music loops at me ...:/

Enort profile image
Enort in reply to Lilyian22

Had it way before COVID. Also should you use headphones, not a good idea

Lilyian22 profile image
Lilyian22 in reply to Enort

I'm not a fan of headphones tbh they make my ears hurt

lifeseeker profile image

Hi Lilyan, thank you for sharing your story. I cried. Finally someone who understands me. Knows my minute to minute suffering. My life changed 3 months ago, ear ache, went on plane got home, got covid, had anti biotics and woke up with musicial T (mine is 2 melodies playing on a loop 24/7. My normal T also go very very loud and intense. Covid got better but my symptoms just got worse. Then my T got reactive to any sounds it gets louder, I can hear it above shower, car etc.

I have hyperacusis. So I cant tolerate more then 3 people talking, have to watch Tv on very low volume, missed my daughters sports day, birthday, my cousins wedding. Im only44. I have no hearing loss. I cant do my job anymore. I rang the helpline, they just said it will get better and its anxiety. There is no cure, doctors have not heard of it. I feel so isolated and depressed. I have had T before and habitated but this is different, its always changing, every morning a new tone as been added, or it speeds up. My ear hurts 24/7.

Lilyian22 profile image
Lilyian22 in reply to lifeseeker

Thanks for your kind reply lifeseeker same age as yourself just turned 45 and I really feel for you ..the anxiety alone from ot can be overwhelming at best of times you have head pressure around your temple area and back of head ?? When this all started I had a page of symptoms..I was over time able to cross a few of them out ..basically the flight freeze have gone ,my hyperacusis is not too bad,tinnitus on a cold day (can't wait for winter!!!) always high and well the musical loops ,its its own demon in my head be honest you said you caught covid ? I devolped this straight after a bad case too ...I have had alot of tests and spoke to alot of people ,this is not common and I deep down feel its a irreversible reaction to covid or the vaccine hearing is good too thats the weird thing about all this ..all best

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