Hello all, hope you’re doing ok!
I’ve had low frequency tinnitus for 18 months or so, some days better than others. One thing I’ve noticed is that my tinnitus almost entirely disappears after I’ve been in loud environments. I was at a gig on Monday and I forgot my loop earplugs and for 3 days and nights I had almost complete silence. I’ve also noticed this after I’ve been to the cinema and been on a flight.
Does anyone know if this would indicate that my tinnitus is mainly psychological in nature and if there’s anything I could do to explore this? Audiologist says that my hearing is fine and MRI clear.
I initially thought that my tinnitus might have been caused by Covid but at the same time I had Covid our upstairs neighbours fridge (directly above our bedroom) was malfunctioning and vibrating and I spent about 4 months being hyperaware of it until it was fixed at which point I could still “hear” it but my husband couldn’t.
Thanks in advance!