I would like to learn everything about Directional Music Tinnitus.
I have had this condition for a few years now and need to know about any and all things that might help with sleep.
I would like to learn everything about Directional Music Tinnitus.
I have had this condition for a few years now and need to know about any and all things that might help with sleep.
Hi - thank you for your question.
As I'm unfamiliar with this specific type of tinnitus, can you go into a bit more detail about it, please? I think other forum members will be happy to offer advice or support if they had more information about how it affects you, what characteristics it has, and so on.
I am so sorry about not responding back. I was very new and didn’t know how this works. I feel I do now. I recently have gone into detailOn a post by someone who titled it musical tinnitus. Thank you for responding and I really am looking forward to any support I can give and those things given to not feel so
alone with this.
Nine months ago I acquired musical tinnitus (I`ve had other noises since 2014). This was a new one.
Because I already had tinnitus I sort of knew how to deal with a new noise and I got lucky because if the sound playing was getting on my nerves I could change it just by singing another. I know - weird isn`t it !!
I`m now at the point where to some extent it`s faded into the background and although it sometimes still gets on my nerves I am able deal with it.
I`m sorry but I can`t really give you any advice on sleep because I`ve never really had a problem sleeping through tinnitus - I was always glad to go to sleep to escape from the noise.
I`m sure that there`ll be someone on here who will be able to advise you,
Lynn being new to this site I had not done my due diligent research in how to respond back or even that I had messages. I did read your comment yesterday to SUS (?) and replied not only to her but later on directly to you. Please read and thank you for responding back to me!
Hi please look into both of these - I find them very helpful for sleep.
“progressive muscle relaxation”
all the audio recordings of “Jon kabbat-zin” on “mindfulness of breathing”
Sorry for such the delay in getting back to you to thank you for taking the time to respond to me.Do you believe that loud noise was the culprit in getting tinnitus? I am exposed to loud noise from a patient
(I’m a nurse) who insists on her TV being on LOUD the entire time I am with her. Thanks again for the reply.
Hello again it could be lots of things that caused your tinnitus from the natural ageing process or stress or exposure to loud or continuous noise - e.g. listening to music with earbuds on your phone for too long or too loud. It may even be a combination of a few of these things or many others.
I would not spend too much time thinking about what caused it as you probably will never know for sure. Blaming it on one possible event or situation is only speculation not a fact. That said I would insist from now on that you ask the person you are caring for that the TV is either off or turned down while you are looking after them - if they refuse speak to your employer.
I would divert energy into thinking how you go on with protecting your ears given that you are dealing with tinnitus. It makes sense to always protect your ears if you are exposed to loud or continued noise like an over loud T.V. Use ear plugs in these situations - the cheap disposable foam ear plugs should help for medium loud noise (loud TV ) but for really loud sounds like petrol lawnmowers, drills, music concerts, etc then ear defending headphones are more effective.