I’ve had tinnitus for 12 years and do definitely find it hard to cope. I do really well for a well and get used to it, then have a flare up or something and have to go back to square one. How loud is others tinnitus as well? I don’t tend to hear mine when out and about unless I try and listen for it. Can hear it at night so I put white noise on x
just curious how do you cope day to day? - Tinnitus UK
just curious how do you cope day to day?
That sounds similar to me, just seems to die down a bit, then subjected to loud noise by using the bus or something, then very loud again. I just think of the old saying: 'This too, shall pass'.
Yes gotta keep hope 🙏 mine gets louder when exposed to long sounds as well. Loud motorbikes are the worst 😒
I cope by knowing that at some stage or stages in my day I can escape (milder) tinnitus. Using headphones, for radio, watching TV and the like. Apart from the relief, it is proof that the thing is not the master of me, but a 'dependant'. Dependant on me putting up with it. I would also recommend bus rides. It was only after tinnitus came that I realised those things are so noisy that tinnitus takes a back seat for the duration (I do like puns).
Yes I use bone conduction head phones when I’m around the house, they help a lot

Hi Elane , hope you are going okay. My tinnitus started when I had a grommet put in my ear 8 years ago. I then had the grommet taken out, to be put back in and taken out a year later, I then had a bone removed from my ear. After that I had a cochlear implant put in. This was really painful, I had that taken out and I’m now onto my second implant. So it’s been a roller coaster with lots of operations, I would get excited after each operation .. but then I would be let down as each operation caused more pain and increase in ringing. The cochlear masks the tinnitus to a certain extent, but does not get rid of it. I also have a hearing aid in my good ear. I don’t use hearing aids around the house, but I know I should. I try to keep up beat, but it’s hard as it’s such a horrible thing to have. Hope you are going okay . Jenny
I have T that I can hear 24/7 on top of shower, kettle , outside anywhere. It's 5 tones including muscial and never leaves. On top of that I can't go anywhere as the noise makes my T worse Think yourself lucky.
So sorry to hear that. How long have you had tinnitus for? It’s such a difficult condition to manage isn’t it? An invisible illness. I really hope they find a cure or at least something x
Mine spiked considerably after ear suction 5 weeks ago and it is blaring non stop Like you have had tinnitus for years but this is something else and also like you I think I'm coping or deflecting it then it comes rushing back in
I feel you. I too had microsuction but I’m not sure if it’s just my auditory system adjusting 🤔 I feel like mine is louder but sometimes I’m not sure if it is or just because I’m reacting negatively to it 🤔

thank you for your reply, Ialso have that feeling but it has definitely been louder since I had it done, but I am trying to detract from it but sometimes I feel so desperate, Terry
Aw have you tried steroid nasal spray? That really helped me for T to settle down even just a bit.
Loud as hell - all the time. Hate it - never going to be welcome in my head.
How do I cope? I do whatever I need to do in that moment of suffering. I walk, I drive, I meet mates and laugh. Sometimes I just medicate myself away from it. Whatever it takes to retain my sanity.
Here we are Monday morning and it's telling me it's going to dominate my day - really god awful hissing and rythmic ticking crickets, etc. I've just hit it with this list of famous people who have T:
We're all suffering but by golly are we in an exclusive club here with the likes of Michelangelo, Beethoven, Keanu Reeves, Richard Attenborough, Dave Grohl, William Shatner, etc...
Have a good day -
Hi Elane.. it’s good you can block your tinnitus out sometimes. I have had tinnitus for 8 years now and I’m onto my second Cochlear implant after 7 operations on my ear. It’s been a long journey .. I have pain and tinnitus , but just have to keep going and smiling. Hopefully someone will one day come up with something to cure the tinnitus. Do you have it in both ears? I only have it in one ear thank goodness. Take care, hopefully you will get some good nights sleep! 🌞
Yes I really do believe in keep going and smiling though it x I have it in both ears but right is much worse. Left is barely noticeable because right is louder 🙈
One day at a time. If I'm having a bad day, I just try to get thru' the day as best I can without crying too much and hold on to the thought that the next day might not be as bad.
Yes I have good and bad days and try and not be anxious about it, even though that’s hard!!
Great positive attitude , I do the same but it’s tough. Hoping one day someone will come up with something . Have a great day 🌞🌞
Mine used to be like that but since the dreaded day 5 weeks ago I had ear suction it has spiked and can hear it vuirtually all the time. Playing tennis previously I didn't notice it , now even that does not temporarily release me from the noise
where do you get that bio nasal spray from ?
It's a very difficult question to answer, I have had T for just under 50 years now and was really hoping that retirement would reduce it with less stress, but in fact it was the opposite which according to group I attended this is common. The only way I find to deal with my T is to do something that takes your attention away from it, I seem to be able to tune it out, as it has been a partner of mine for such a long time, something that you just learn somehow. Like you, sometimes it increases in volume and I always worry it will not return to its usual level, fortunately so far it does seem to go back, but again I try to focus on something else I really enjoy doing.
I try to avoid places with hard surfaces that bounce the sound the sound around as hearing conversations I find difficult in these situations. I also use good musician quality noise reduction ear pieces at concerts and events to help.
There is no formal solution or answer I hope you can find something that lets you take your mind off it, good luck
Its incredibly hard isnt it, i discovered Julian Cowan Hill on You Tube please look him up...he had awful T for 20 years and is now recovered, he has an app 'Quieten' free months trial, he explains what T is and what we can do...no medical cure but there is hope, we must be positive with this condition, its a stress response, whatever is causing the T in the first place needs to be addressed and then we can find ways of lessening our reaction to the noise, please know i too am finding this the most challenging condition i have ever dealt with, and that includes having thyroid cancer. Please look him up as he has a positive take on Tinnitus.
hi Elaine, I’ve had tinnitus now 18 months and hearing loss in my left ear. I struggle because the hearing aids helps to a certain point but I’m also sensitive to loud noises so it can be difficult. I have daily one sided headaches that started when my tinnitus started so it’s a fighting battle 😩 wishing you all the best 🤗
Hi Elane I just take each day as it comes and try to keep busy. Music and tv help. Would really like to private message you, do you know how to do it from your end? Jenny 🌞🌞🌞🌞
Elane, I have had tinnitus since childhood due to multiple ear infections. It was very manageable until the age of 51, when it spiked and became very intrusive. I got on some meds to help with sleep and habituated. I was sick with multiple sinus infections earlier this year and saw another invasive spike. After seeing an audiologist and an ENT, I had lost 80% of the hearing in my right ear and was told that I needed hearing aids. I saw an improvement after getting my Widex HA’s. The tinnitus is still there (along with the hyperacusis), but it IS easier to cope with it.
I try to keep busy; a lot of walks outdoors when the weather is decent, at the local senior center when it isn’t. I have a mindfulness routine before I go to bed including feet immersion, stretches and massage focused on the head, neck and jaw. I also shut off the TV and phone and read. Most importantly, I try to focus on gratitude for all the blessings that I do have, and try to relate to the tinnitus as noise that’s present but harmless. It works most of the time!