Hi I have had T all my life, am now 62, but really suffering recently. Just can't habituate and getting desperate. Has anyone tried hypnotherapy? I have found a therapist who lists tinnitus as one of the things she treats and includes hypno in the therapy. I know my outlook is bad and my subconscious is not helping and have always thought that maybe hypnotherapy could help. It would cost £700ish for 4 sessions and so before I part with my money I was just wondering if anyone else had any experience. Just need to find something that helps.
Hypnosis: Hi I have had T all my life, am now 6... - Tinnitus UK

about a year ago there was a post very similar to yours. From my memory ONLY, one person said it was good and another said not. If the person who said it was good doesn’t respond to your post it could mean that he or she doesn’t need to use this site any more because they feel better. Or maybe the other poster has found something else that ticks the box.
If you can afford it, this might be an option.
I tried hypnotherapy years ago when I first got tinnitus and it had no effect in reducing the noise. I’m sorry you are struggling. It has happened to me numerous times over the years but sometimes returns to original sound or I habituate eventually. It’s like being tortured
Totally agree it’s not so nice at all, and terribly hidden so others have no idea what you go through.
I had 4 sessions , like you say it’s so expensive & I too was desperate so would pay anything
As to whether it worked or not it’s hard to say , it certainly helped me relax which helped me cope but doesn’t make it go away of course . She gave me some recordings to listen too & I would do them before bed . The main thing that helps me now is distraction I just keep my brain somewhere else .
As a program of therapy I would think the best you can get from it is understanding how to deal with it but I would think that there may be a better result opportunity from actually being hypnotised! So would be very interested in the outcome of being hypnotised- I suggest this as all indications suggest that no one has found any damage that could be indicative to getting T therefor it would be reasonable and supportive to suggest it’s a brain controlled issue and that hypnosis being a brain controlling thing would possibly have a desired effect!
Good luck and please report back👍
This is something I'm looking in to atm. I have always thought that a hypnotist could help us. Note I say Hypnotist and not a Hypnotherapist. I have seen 2 Hypnotherapists since I got T 10 years ago (noise trauma) Hypnotherapy is more like Relaxation therapy, they do not try to hypnotise you. Calming words and whale calls music didn't work for me. A Hypnotist who hypnotises you and suggests things to your subconscious, such as 'not to be scared of this sound' I think may be able to help. This could lead to habituation maybe?
Hypnotists can certainly help people with fears and phobias, so why not T ? There is a thread on Tinnitus Talk about this, and in fact the studies that have been done into this are all very positive. £700 is a lot of money, so I would want to see testimonials from people who have been helped. There is a Derren Brown show where he pretends to be a faith healer and heals a lot of people all at once in his audience. One was a lady with T, and she was amazed how it had gone. It probably came back later, but it shows the power of suggestion on the sub-conscious. Let us know how you go on. Good luck.
Hi, I think the Derran Brown show was miracle. That bit got my attention as well. I wondered how genuine it was as he has set things up in the past. But if real then it would be interesting to know the details and give a little hope.
Darren Brown was pretending to be a faith healer, but he was practicing mass hypnotism (only some people will be affected) This has been around for a long time. Not sure how long the effects last. Hypnotism (the power of suggestion) is a very powerful tool which I want to investigate further for treating the depression and anxiety associated with T.
£700 for 4 sessions is a ridiculous price to pay. I would think a nice holiday would be better spent. These people are just greedy for themselves and not really interested in helping people. Good luck if you do go. ..
I take something for anxiety when I feel I can't take it any more