Musical Tinnitus: I have been diagnosed with... - Tinnitus UK

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Musical Tinnitus

heatheryLottie profile image
13 Replies

I have been diagnosed with musical tinnitus, and feel that I have been given some very conflicting advice from different professionals I have seen. I have been struggling with this since last October and as yet they cannot find a cause.

It impacts greatly on my sleep, my mental wellbeing and my ability to concentrate. I feel snappy and irritable a lot of the time! Sometimes I just feel completely unable to cope with it. I struggle to even tell anyone about it because they just don't seem to understand. It makes me feel like I'm just going mad. It is constant, loud and intrusive. Very repetitive tunes that I probably heard in my past, most of which I certainly don't like now! Just the same few lines over and over again.

I have never met or talked to anyone with musical tinnitus, which is why I am sending this now. Maybe someone is struggling too with this, or may have found a way to cope with it. I don't feel that it is going to go away, and that in some way I will be expected to just learn to live with it. I am not really hearing anything from the professionals I have seen to give me some hope of a way forward.

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13 Replies
Happyrosie profile image

During my time on this forum, musical tinnitus has only come up a couple of times. I think it’s rare and that’s why professionals are a bit baffled. Many professionals, it seems, are dismissive of tinnitus anyway.

I’ve had musical T a few times in my life but only for a few hours at a time and at the time I’ve searched around to see whose radio is on. The most recent time was when I heard a band consisting of accordion, drums and tuba playing in a town square, and I kept hearing it later that afternoon; but the band had packed up and gone!

You are unlike to find a cause, and searching for one gives tinnitus the food it so loves: your attention.

The poster Rossi created a post a couple of days ago about habituation so if you go lower down this page you can find it and the responses. It’s not concerned with your variation on tinnitus but you might find it helpful.

Titan2857 profile image

I have had musical tinnitus for 3 years.I agree it is difficult to deal with but like tinnitus I have just had to try to ignore it.Easier said than done I know but other than using hearing aids with sound masking there is not much you can do .

lifeseeker profile image
lifeseeker in reply to Titan2857

Does your musical T react to sounds, ie goes up in volume to other sounds? Do you have hyperacusis?

Gregorianne profile image

I have musical tinnitus. In McKenna, Baguley and McFerran’s book on tinnitus it says, “Hearing music in your head is surprisingly common…. This type of tinnitus is most common in people who have significant hearing loss, and it seems likely that the brain is searching for sound information. Unable to locate sound from the outside world, it finds old auditory memories.” So actually the brain is trying to be helpful!

It will ‘sound’ loud because it is perceived as a threat, and in fight or flight mode hearing becomes very sensitive, anxious feelings increase and it sounds even louder. Initially I found musical tinnitus very worrying and tried to avoid it by listening to even louder music. Now I try to accept is as it is and let it be. When I become aware of it to pause and not to react but respond in a more mindful way, which can be difficult during the night when there is nothing else to focus on. Then I use a bit of soothing self talk, reminding myself that it is just the brain trying to help.

heatheryLottie profile image
heatheryLottie in reply to Gregorianne

Thank-you, it is very helpful to be able to talk to others about their experience. I only have very minor hearing loss that is considered age related. Yes, as you did I tried listening to louder music to try and drown it out. It has been dreadful in terms of my sleep, and still is. I do try and distract myself and have taken up an interest in sugarcraft just to take my attention from it, and fill a rather lonely night! It is very hard though. I appreciate your tips and I will try hard to give it a go. Thank-you again for your response.

TinnitusUKPat profile image
TinnitusUKPatPartner in reply to heatheryLottie

Hi heatheryLottie

I think, on balance, that the way to go with most sound therapy for tinnitus is not to view it as something to drown out tinnitus, but to use it as a distraction, as your other hobbies or tasks might be used. is the specific area of our charity's website which discusses this approach.

Geronima profile image

Hi heatheryLottie, I’ve had musical tinnitus for the past 4 months, and like you thought I was the only one. Luckily I came on here and found other sufferers, so while unusual, we are not alone. Mine is a sort of short tune over and over, then it fades into just humming. It used to be louder, now luckily the volume has gone down, and/or, I’m getting used to it. I’ve got age related loss of hearing too. I think all you can do is try hearing aids with masking sounds. Have you been offered these? Take care x

Beesmac profile image

Hello. I too suffer with Musical Ear Syndrome (musical Tinnitus) and sympathise with you as you are correct in saying that most people have never heard of it. Even my GP has never heard of it.

Mine started in December 2020 when I awoke one Sunday morning thinking my right ear was blocked. Within half an hour of this I was feeling sick and very dizzy. Turns out I had Labyrinthitis and had actually lost the hearing in my right ear. It was during Covid so didn’t really see anybody just telephone appointments. After about a week, one evening I was sitting with my husband and thought I heard the rotary club doing their Christmas collection outside. Suddenly “silent night” filled my head I mentioned it to my husband who said he couldn’t hear anything and went to look outside, there was no-one there. This went on all evening and in the morning I could still hear music but undefined repetitive music which I didn’t recognise. I thought it was funny at first but after a week I googled my symptoms and was horrified to learn there was no cure. Following this revelation I went through every emotion imaginable and ended up severely depressed.

As it was impossible to see a doctor I paid to see a private consultant and also for an MRI. He referred me to his NHS clinic as I don’t have private health and in time I had hearing aids fitted as my hearing in my right ear never returned. I ended up having sessions with a lovely audiologist who explained that due to my sudden hearing loss my brain recognises that there is no sound going in that ear and because I have always loved music, decided that I should have some sound in there hence the music I hear. My G P did in the end recognise I was suffering from severe depression due to this and I have Diazepam 2mg which I can take if I get panicky which was happening.

You say you’ve seen various professionals so I guess you have had your hearing tested? I find the more I stress about it the worse it gets, I don’t like being in noisy places. I find distraction is the best remedy along with breathing exercises. When I go to bed I immerse myself in a good book and that is how I get to sleep. Read as much as you can on the subject. Ok , so it is unusual but I like to think we are unique. I believe Schubert had this and wrote some of his symphonies from what he heard (I can’t write music) I find it both infuriating and fascinating and tell myself it could be worse as far as tinnitus goes. Don’t let it get you down, it will get easier in time and if you can accept it you are halfway there. Good luck x

Lilyian22 profile image

I'm same ..musical hallucinations as past 2 years ,buzzing ..pitch bending tinnitus, hyperacusis to name a few ..before this humbled me severely I was cock sure about life ,very confident in life life is avoiding trashy music as it will stick and loop for hours days ,weeks even at times ,trying not to think about it and staying busy ,,I just scared alot ,,,,like mental torture

lifeseeker profile image
lifeseeker in reply to Lilyian22

Are you mainly housebound? Im 2 months in, does it ever get better?

Lilyian22 profile image
Lilyian22 in reply to lifeseeker

No im not housebound..the first 2 weeks was the worst ...listen to me ...accept it and half your battle is won ...I was always asking myself why?? How?? Etc...I've seen alot of professionals and they haven't a clue over 2 years with this music haullnations ,,it hasn't stopped but ..keep busy and when resting use sound therapy...don't get into your own mind too much about this

Lilyian22 profile image

Just a few hours at a time ?? You are very lucky its not permanent like others here ..I read your post and yea I agree with some of what you said ..

Lilyian22 profile image

I'm in same boat as yourself ..I tell noone anymore cause its sounds crazy ..but the truth is its dominating all aspects of my life ...I hope one day it stops ..tinnitus I could live with ..its the looping music ,random songs too ...

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