i am going on hoilday in 2 weeks time and flying also any ideas how to to protect my ears with my left ear having tintius in flight or taking off and landing
flying tips: i am going on hoilday in 2 weeks... - Tinnitus UK
flying tips
Hi Bucksrhino
You might find our guide to "Tinnitus and Flying" a good place to start from - tinnitus.org.uk/understandi...
With best wishes
Tinnitus UK community moderation team
I have hearing loss and tinnitus related to Ménière's disease. I fly relatively often (a few times a year) and the specialist I saw gave me a lot of tips/hints for when I fly. My Ménière's is triggered by flying, which is a real nuisance and so for me these tips haven't always worked but in general they are completely in line with the site mentioned in the previous answer. A couple of additions - you can get special ear plugs for flying, called Earplanes. They have a small hole through them from end to end, and I was recommended to use those as you won't have the need to chew gum, hold your nose and blow etc as the pressure is equalised more naturally. I sniff a decongestant as soon as boarding for the plane starts, and then again as we taxi to the runway. As soon as descent starts on arrival, I do it again. I do NOT wear my hearing aids on a flight - too loud. I take out the earphones as we level off and then use nothing. If you desperately need to talk to someone, watch a movie etc that might not work, but know the aeroplane routine well enough not to need most announcements, I read a book, and if they're offering me food I will lip read or guess! I put my hearing aids back in on landing.