Hi All
Been a while, since I have posted , I previously posted as gloomster. Last year the T had thought long since defeated came roaring back As an old hand at this I tried to do all the sensible things with varying degrees of success but there were some grim times. There still are
At such times it feels as if there is no end to it and little hope, for someone like me the loss of control alone is deeply disturbing . A few months on I can report decent progress albeit with plenty of ups and downs along the way.
So just checking in really but just to share something I find helpful is this catechism ( if you will....)
Here it is
With Tinnitus you will have good days and bad days , you will have good periods and bad periods you will, even have good years and worse years . What you will not get is misery for the rest of your life .A bad day is just a bad day , that's all.
I find remembering this help me not to catastrophise. Hope it helps someone else
Take care