Hi everyone, my T started following a long phone call (house phone) with a friend in January this year. It was so frightening I nearly wanted to end it all. The next day, I called the GP who didn't do anything except say 'get on with it' basically. I came across the BTA and one person who I spoke to said one thing to me that changed my thinking. She said: I promise you it will get easier and better for you. It was something I needed to hear. I will always be grateful for that advisor on the BTA team.
I've since had great days (mostly throughout the summer) sprinkled with bad days. Interestingly, my son got married in July and we all had such a magical time - the whole event was great and people were so happy and positive. I didn't even know I had T for the three days of the celebrations. Then it came back and over the past month it has been troublesome. I've had a few and only a few odd 'excellent' days and that has been glorious.
The noise changes from an annoying loud and distracting hissing to a fizzy sound which I don't mind as it stays in the head and the ears are not affected (at least I don't hear it that much). The hissing though comes from the right ear (although I had mild to moderate hearing loss in left ear). I've had a MRI and awaiting results. I went to see the audiologist at the hospital yesterday for my second appointment. They really are trying to help people with this condition.
I've got hearing aids although I don't hear any different with or without them but I am missing some of the high tones (apparently). They told me to wear them for at least 8 hours a day and they have programmed in a calm noise to use below any T sounds I hear.
There have been days of late when the T has been bothersome and so annoying that I was also thinking similar dark thoughts I've read on recent posts. I know some of you are struggling but take a moment to consider that technology and science is a living, breathing thing and new technologies will be available one day . It just needs a bright kid to come across it.
I read somewhere that a drug was used for another condition (unrelated to T), but the scientists discovered this drug had a certain compound that worked for T, however, the side effects carried a far greater risk of more serious complications.
I'd like to talk to someone about my T when it is so awful. I live in hope that one day, there will be light at the end of the tunnel.
I think there must be so many pop stars out there who have been subjected to loud sounds that they must be suffering with it. Why can't they pull their money together to help with research. That would be a cause I would support.
Wishing you all well today and take each day as it comes.
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