Has anyone with tinnitus and tmj feel numbness on that side of head?
Tmj and tinnitus: Has anyone with tinnitus and... - Tinnitus UK
Tmj and tinnitus

Yes, and I sometimes have pins and needles (like a wave of insects!) on that side of the head, also very dizzy, could be tmj or other conditions I have.
TBJ with tinnitus is pretty hhorrible. Best wishes
But if its due to tmj, should it be treated by maxillofacial surgeon or plastic surgeon
Tmj dentist is just treating it with mouth guards. Hasn’t said anything about surgery but that’s a thought
thanks for replying.
Some people said t can consult neurologist dont know which one is corrrect but usuaally gp cant help much
I tried that. Wanted me to do a mri. Afraid of that
MRI was fine when I had one, just ensured it was nothing else going on. Just listened to music and dosed off .
you didn’t hear it?
Well it was just like being next to a car, but i had ear plugs and then a headset with favourite music playing , so I just listened to that and took my mind to a different place. I have had about 4 in the past ten years or so, and no problem at all. Only once when they played rubbish music lol
We’ll that’s sounds encouraging. I might get the nerve to do it. What kind of ear plugs?
they supplied them, soft rubber ones
ok thanks. Do they do the earphones with music also?
Ive had many MRI's in my time and IMHO the noise is like listening to a electronic music techno like Kraftwerk Also I dont liek small spaces so I shut my eyes before the bed is slid into the scanner. Just breath slowly and try and concentrate on something completely different. I bit like T - try and ignore the MRI. Good luck an dall the best!
tinnitus is just symptom not an illness always said incurable then how come most profolio of ent dr saying tinnitus is one of their scope or strength
Then he refers u to a dentist
Yes, I have numb sensations at times over face and temples areas of head, though for me mainly on the opposite side to my T ear. I get the numbness into cheek area and jaw. Is this similar to yours?
mine is on the side where tmj the worse. Have tinnitus in both ears. It is mostly in my temple are on that side