Hi there. Here is a YouTube channel I use that creates masking sounds. There’s loads of different variations that I hope can help people. All the best.
masking sounds : Hi there. Here is a YouTube... - Tinnitus UK
masking sounds

Hi, it seems that you have to subscribe to this???Kind regards
hi there. No you don’t, it’s only a link to YouTube. You can watch as many videos as you want without subscribing to his channel. If the link doesn’t work go on YouTube and in the search bar type Dalesnale - Noise Ambient.
Which one u guys like most
I like one called tinnitus smoother 14khz
U use headphone or earphone
I use earphone. Just in my left ear. Have the volume so you can just still hear your tinnitus. You don’t want to block it out completely. Good luck and hope it helps. There’s plenty more on that channel if you don’t get on with that sound. It’s trial and error as everyone is different.
Honestly do u feel a bit ear pressure i mean comparing with not having t before
I’ve had problems with my ears for years. Even before I had tinnitus. I think it started when I had a bad broken nose playing football. Since then the pressure has always felt off. Like my ears can’t regulate the pressure. I used to get glue ear a lot. I’ve currently got fluid in my middle ear now. I’m going to try and get grommets in my ears to see if it helps the pressure.
But your hearing is alrightNo need hearing aid right
Oh my god sorry to hear that u got two sounds , god bless u ,mine is high pitch also bad
Will try it. Thanks v much, Karlos99 👍