Hi there. I'm a recent tinnitus sufferer, having been struggling to cope with it for just over a week. Am REALLY hoping this is a temporary affliction, but the more I read, the more I see it can easily be permanent. Which doesn't help with the stress!
So, the brief history:
Had both my ears microsuctioned around midday on Monday 7th December, removing a decent amount of ear wax. No real problems felt during the afternoon but in the evening while watching TV, the tinnitus kicked in.
Best description: was like the white snow that we used to get on the TV. It's like I've been in a noisy bar or club and exited and there's that high-pitched ringing (though it's more like white noise) and sense of fullness in the ears.
I went back to the hearing centre where I had the microsuctioning and an audiologist performed a tympanometry test and a hearing test (where you sit in the booth and press the button at various frequency tones) all came back fine. Hearing normal. (Audiogram showed readings between 0 and 10 dB) Audiologist suggested I see how it fares over the coming days.
It's now Tuesday 15th December - so it's been over a week - and I've had some pretty horrific nights, esp. last night. Have tried playing white noise through a speaker to mask (has helped some nights but not others) I'm getting fearful and scared. Feel like I'm losing my grip on everything. (Not least as I've been dealing with a urinary tract infection recently)
So, I'd love to get some help and advice.
When I called the audiologist today, he said that any tinnitus experienced after microsuctioning should have gone after a couple of days, but this seems to conflict with many people's experiences. So would be helpful to get other sufferers' experiences, especially from those who have received tinnitus after microsuctioning. Did it go eventually? And how long did it take?
I also notice that when I swallow my inner ears click (like when you pop your ears to recalibrate) and I've read this might be some issue with the eustachian tube?
I also believe I've got some form of hyperacusis where loud noises are more invasive than normal. (I've always been known as the guy with bat hearing, like Spidey Sense!) Not sure if this is related...
If there's anything anyone on here can suggest, I'd be eternally grateful as I am at my wit's end and feel like I don't really know where else to turn.
And obviously owing to my scared state, please bear my nerves in mind. Just negative experiences aren't going to help me at this stage as I am so anxious.
Thanks for reading this far.