Anti depressants for tinnitus : Hello my name is... - Tinnitus UK

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Anti depressants for tinnitus

1Dar profile image
38 Replies

Hello my name is Jenny . I have left the chat line for awhile but have come back. I’m experiencing a lot of trouble with my tinnitus lately and was wondering if anyone had any success with any anti depressants that might have helped them . I’m doing a lot of crying and desperately need some help! I’m on one now but it isn’t doing much !

Thank you ! Jenny

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1Dar profile image
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38 Replies
starveycat profile image

So very sorry you are having such a tough time. I find it I can distract my brain it helps. I am never anywhere where there is silence . There must be some noise radio TV or singing. Then I can cope.

I read somewhere that the brain hears a whistling sound which normally means flight or fight so it releases adrenaline but there is no threat but there is the whistling and so the brain reacts and it becomes a vicious circle which results in depression. I always try to keep myself occupied so I can distract myself. Good luck

1Dar profile image
1Dar in reply to starveycat

Thank you .. I’ve had 7 operations on my ear which has added to the pain in my ear and at the moment both are spiking. I now wear a cochlear implant which if I had my time again , not sure if I would get one. Thanks for your thoughts !

jmallordturner51 profile image

Jenny I feel your suffering as I have been affected as you have. I was put on anti depressants at first but could not stay with them. If you can find a good psychotherapist who specializes in anxiety it would be of great assistance to you. Also if you have access to YOUTUBE look up Cognitive behavioral therapy for tinnitus with Dr. Bruce Hubbard. It will really make you understand what you are going through. My T was so bad I never thought I would have another happy day. If you can change your attitude to it you can do it. You need the tools to cope with this and CBT can help.

1Dar profile image
1Dar in reply to jmallordturner51

Hello , thank you for replying to me. I have had 7 operations on my ear and am now on my second cochlear implant ... the first one unfortunately was very painful. So I’m experiencing pain as well, still trying to remain positive though. I will look up the Cognitive Behaviour on you tube. I’m not keen on medication , but in my case at the moment I need it! Thanks again, Jenny

jmallordturner51 profile image
jmallordturner51 in reply to 1Dar

God bless you! You should get medal for bravery. I wish you to get well!

1Dar profile image
1Dar in reply to jmallordturner51

Thank you it’s been a very tough journey but just have to keep going ... one day at a time !

jmallordturner51 profile image
jmallordturner51 in reply to 1Dar

I would also say if the antidepressants help go with it. The CBT will work even better if the medicine takes some of the burden off. I had to stop because I was having a tough time sleeping with them.

ejm1 profile image

So sorry you are having tough time . I have not been on here in ages but also tinnitus driving me mad . I started antidepressants 2 years ago and have made such a difference . I’m on sertraline 50 mg and seems suit . You know what I find great is the calm app, you have to subscribe but worth it . They have section nighttime stories and honestly by end of story you are asleep . I find with ambient noise mind still whirs !! It’s been a game changer for me !! Like when you are child at bedtime and voice so soothing ! I have good days and bad days with the tinnitus and I think once I realised that I could cope better with bad days . All my love emma

1Dar profile image

Thanks Emma . I can get to sleep okay , but wake up very early in the morning with tinnitus. Do you take any sleeping aids or anti depressants ? I’m beginning to wonder whether they are making it worse? I seem to be having more bad days than good lately, but thank you for your advice . All the best ,


John-Essuman profile image

Hi, some anti- depressant can be the cause of tinnitus as I was allergic to setraline which triggered my tinnitus so please consult your doctor and ask them to change it if possible. I like martazipine but everyone is different ok good luck

1Dar profile image
1Dar in reply to John-Essuman

Thanks John , I agreee!

Docspete profile image
Docspete in reply to John-Essuman

I have been put on sertaline I’m sure it made my T louder….

John-Essuman profile image

Hi Jenny my experience with this illness has made me stop eating certain things which has helped me, salt is one of tge things that can make the volume of tinnitus go up, caffeine too and anything the makes your blood pressure go up will trigger tinnitus. Also everyone is different and may be allergic to some medication without knowing so if you need a change just ask your doctor for help ok good luck

JenMeerkat profile image

I developed a new horrid noise in both ears due to mirtazapine. I took it for 9 nights and after 6 nights on the 7th day my ears were screaming in a different way and I was left with a quieter version of the sound and it's still there 10 days later. I thought I was safe on mirtazapine as it's the only one that's supposed to not affect tinnitus but it did for me


1Dar profile image
1Dar in reply to JenMeerkat

Hi after all the drugs I have taken mirtzapine didn’t afffect. me which is good . Good luck

JenMeerkat profile image
JenMeerkat in reply to 1Dar


I'm glad mirtazapine suits you . I guess we all react differently to every drug.

I thought I was safe taking it but I was wrong .

I wish there was an easy answer



1Dar profile image
1Dar in reply to JenMeerkat

Hi Jen, I’m struggling big time at the moment and can’t seem to get it offf my mind, if anyone has any great ideas , I would love to hear them! It’s all think about,😌

JenMeerkat profile image
JenMeerkat in reply to 1Dar


I totally understand I've been like that pretty much the whole time since it went so loud .

People tell you to distract yourself but it's easy said than done.

Do you have a favourite box set / film/ TV programme you could watch and maybe if you get lost in it you mind may forget about the T even if it's just a short time ? Sending (((hugs)))



1Dar profile image
1Dar in reply to JenMeerkat

Hi Jen , I was just going through some messages as I left the chatline for a couple of months and thought I would send you a message. I hope things are working out for you and you are coping ok , especially with the way things are at the moment. I’ve had a pretty awful few months, dealing with pain ( I’ve had 7 operations on my ear) , anxiety and tinnitus. I’ve tried a lot of pain killers and anti depressants .. nothing has worked much so giving CBD oil a try starting in a few days. I live in Australia , we have very stringent laws with the oil, took 5 weeks to get it and can’t drive for 2 months, that will be a challenge,!! . I will be getting very fit!

Anyway just wanted to say hi and check to see how you are doing. It’s certainly a challenge isn’t it?

Take care,

Jenny 😊

ednort profile image
ednort in reply to 1Dar

This may not be of help to everyone but you might try a phone app or a speaker that omits a sound to counteract the sound you hear.

1Dar profile image
1Dar in reply to 1Dar

Ps. Take care and keep positive xxxxx

1Dar profile image
1Dar in reply to 1Dar

Oooops wrong person sorrry

Stevenroze profile image
Stevenroze in reply to 1Dar

My wife has been dealing with this for months and she is so miserable one of the things I purchased for her produces Steam the girl who does her facials used it on her and she said it quite at the tone for several hours so I purchased one on Amazon and when she uses that the symptoms go away for several hours good luck to you and I'm so sorry to hear about this for you

1Dar profile image
1Dar in reply to JenMeerkat

Don’t give up , you will find something !

nigelph profile image

Yes I take Mirtazipine

Velotin profile image

Hi Jenny, I’ve been where you are but dealing with things much better now. As well as suffering with Tinnitus I am diagnosed OCD and taking a prescribed SSRI medication called Sertralin, together with CBT. It’s helping me no end with dealing with T and I think I’ve turned the corner as it were.

All the best ...

1Dar profile image
1Dar in reply to Velotin

Thanks so much Velotin .".... I take a anti depressants and pain killers after quite a few operations on my ear. I’m in lots of pain at the moment , but can see the CBT is the way I will have to go. Is there a particular ap you can recommend? Take care Jenny

Yes , very much so after bouts of depression , Effexor 150 . I would not cope without .

1Dar profile image
1Dar in reply to

Thank you I think I remember taking that years ago and it was good. Do you sleep well with it though. I need one that helps me sleep! I tend to swap and change too much’s not good !

I tried a few and I’ve had success with Effexor now for 9 years ( I will not go off it as it’s helped do much)

1Dar profile image

Thank you I might give it another try ... glad it helps you ! X it’s a bit of a roller coaster at the moment !

So sorry you are having such a bad time with this. I can identify with you - I am on an old SSRI which I need for depression, and I suppose it helps somewhat with the T. The one thing I have found most important is the Cognitive Beh Therapy. I am in Canada so treatment may be different here. You said you have been very sad, so I would emphasize the counselling aspect at this stage. Just having someone to talk to about this, your physical pain, and other symptoms - well I wd strongly recommend it. You can get through this ! Let us know how this goes? Take care.

Bailey_bear profile image

Sertraline has helped me massively with my Tinnitus struggle. I did not find cbt or meditation useful at all it just made me more frustrated. The tinnitus is still there but I cope much better on the medication. It’s now a year since i developed tinnitus and it is the hardest struggle I have had to deal with. It took over my life and even made me feel suicidal I was so depressed. I literally didn’t sleep for about 2 month. Once the antidepressants kicked in I coped so much better and got my life back. I never thought I would be on anti depressants. I am hoping to come off them soon as worried about taking them in the long term. But they definitely helped me get to grips and feel normal again when I thought there was no hope

Chall11 profile image
Chall11 in reply to Bailey_bear

Hiya my struggle sounds similar to yours. I started on sertraline only 3 weeks ago and am hoping for the best. Still using diazepam as panic is still bad some days. Hoping things will level out where I can get my life back. Blessings to you 🙏🏼

Docspete profile image
Docspete in reply to Chall11

Did the sertraline work!?

Verma54 profile image

It’s in our brains and more we can distract or relax will turn it down. Easy to say but have faith and will happen

Chall11 profile image
Chall11 in reply to Verma54

Thank you. 🙏🏼

Verma54 profile image
Verma54 in reply to Chall11

I read the articles and we all share similar stories and reactions ....fact we share same means we aren’t going mad and there is light but takes a while getting there ...walks in the park and fresh air help ...take care

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