Sleeping tabs and tinnitus : I have recently... - Tinnitus UK

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Sleeping tabs and tinnitus

1Dar profile image
18 Replies

I have recently taken olanzapine to help me sleep. The tinnitus has gone through the roof, has anyone experienced this as well, it’s a sleeping tablet.


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1Dar profile image
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18 Replies
Woodentop99 profile image

Olanzapine to help you sleep????? Not sure you are correct, believe me I know when I say olanzapine is not usually prescribed to help you sleep???? Please check with who ever gave you this, as it definitely NOT a sleeping tablet!!!

1Dar profile image
1Dar in reply to Woodentop99

Oh ok . A psychiatrist actually prescribed it for me ...I only took it once .. it made me sleep though! Have you taken it before?


Chall11 profile image

Olanzapine is an atypical antipsychotic medication hat can be used for sedation and anxiety. I have been given two different sorts of atypical antipsychotics for anxiety and they were both absolutely awful with severe side effects for me. Was it prescribed for anxiety and sleep? What was the conversation with your GP about it?

1Dar profile image
1Dar in reply to Chall11

Hi Chall11,

I have been having sleeping waking up feeling panicky .. so I saw a psychiatrist and he prescribed olanzapine for anxiety and sleep. I took it at night , made me sleep but I was groggy the next day, don’t think I will take it again. Do you take anything for anxiety which is helpful .. do you sleep okay.? Any recommendations would be great.

Thanks Jenny

Lynne-H profile image
Lynne-H in reply to 1Dar

Hi Jenny,

See if your doctor will prescribe propranolol, a beta blocker. I was prescribed it for anxiety at the beginning of my tinnitus (40 mg twice daily). Not sure if will help with sleeping though - I`ve never really had a problem with sleeping.


1Dar profile image
1Dar in reply to Lynne-H

Hi Lynne .. thanks so much for your message. Did you find it helped with anxiety ?

I am on a couple of anti depressants for anxiety but I think they are making the tinnitus worse!

You are lucky you don’t have trouble sleeping .

Best wishes .


Lynne-H profile image
Lynne-H in reply to 1Dar

Hi Jenny

Yes six years ago when I was at my worst I always looked forward to bedtime knowing I was going to be getting away from my noises for a few hours. I am lucky that I`m a good sleeper.

Yes the propranolol did help with the anxiety - it was the only choice for me - I can`t take anti-depressants as I have angle-closure glaucoma which means I`m at risk of acute glaucoma and anti-depressants can raise eye pressures.

I have mainly pulsatile tinnitus - it`s like a generator inside of me - I can hear my heart and circulation working so propranolol also helped to reduce these noises as they work by reducing your pulse rate. I also have hissing and humming noises but my hearing aids help with this. My hearing loss is the reason I can hear all these things going on inside me.

I was in a big black hole six years ago but most of the time now I can live with my tinnitus.

I hope you manage to get something to help with your sleep problem. Everything always seems so much worse when we can`t sleep.

Lynne xx

1Dar profile image
1Dar in reply to Lynne-H

Thanks Lynne , I think I’m in the place you were 6 years ago in a dark, dark place. I’m on a lot of tablets for anxiety, depression and pain as I have had a lot of operations on my ear. I now have a cochlear implant but it doesn’t seem to be helping with the tinnitus unfortunately.

I haven’t slept properly for such a long time which has an impact on my anxiety and tinnitus . I am going to start sleeping tablets just to break the cycle. It’s great that you have moved on and are able to sleep properly and your tinnitus isn’t as troublesome as before. Mine is a horrible ringing sound. I must learn to relax more ! I have heard of propanol before and will ask my GP.

Thank you again. Good luck,


1Dar profile image
1Dar in reply to Lynne-H

Hi Lynne... I’ve had a terrible day anxiety, panicking etc if you can offer any more advice that can help that would be great, but I think you have probably given me as much as you can.

Thanks so much Lynne,

Take care,


Lynne-H profile image
Lynne-H in reply to 1Dar

Hi Jenny

I think what you should do first is sort out your sleep problem. Dealing with tinnitus is really hard if you`re tired as well. I do know exactly how you feel because I`ve been there - all you want when you first experience tinnitus is for it to just go away. I felt suicidal at times - all the joy had gone out of my life.

I was like this for about six months then I discovered the BTA Website and there were stories on there of others who had been the same as me and eventually got through it and were getting on with their lives. This gave me hope - I could see a little light at the end of a very long tunnel.

So I decided to join the BTA and through them I heard about a local support group - I know they`re not operating as usual at the moment but I believe they are doing online ones or maybe you could see if there`s one in your local area for when we come out of lockdown. Of course at the moment we can`t access all the usual services but perhaps you could also ask your doctor to refer you for counselling with a hearing therapist. The other thing I did was read lots of success stories - when I was feeling down I`d get the BTA Quiet Magazine out and read the stories in there. Over and over again.

Something else I did and I know this may seem stupid but I believe it works - I used to pretend that I liked my noises - that I didn`t mind them even though of course I hated them.

I also kept the radio or tv on all the time to help mask the sound of my tinnitus.

I know it`s hard for you to believe right now but it is possible to live with tinnitus - in a lot of cases people get to the stage where they either don`t notice it anymore or if they do it doesn`t bother them.

All you can do is your best but you will get there.

Lynne xx

1Dar profile image
1Dar in reply to Lynne-H

Hi Lynne, thanks so much for your encouraging email. I wish I was as strong as you . My tinnitus is constantly on my mind and my nerves have really gone though the roof. I am on sleeping tablets but I literally was up all night with tinnitus and anxiety. I still can’t relax with sleeping tabs and anti depressants so I’m in a tough way. I’m scared to go to bed now in case I can’t sleep,! It’s really affecting my life ... were you that bad? It sounds like your tinnitus is quite mild , mine is screaming all day long. I’m on the couch now trying to relax.

I live in Australia and we don’t have any support groups here . I have a very good audiologist though and a very good psychiatrist .. so that’s good . I really appreciate your help and positive advice ... please keep the messages coming .

Much love

Jen xxxxxx

Lynne-H profile image
Lynne-H in reply to 1Dar

Hi Jenny

Honestly I was the same as you six years ago, I couldn`t bear the fact that I had to live with these noises for the rest of my life. I just didn`t want to be here - it was only that I couldn`t have done anything that would wreck my husband and family`s lives that stopped me - and the fact that I would never have been brave enough anyway.

I just hope that one day you will get something that will give you a bit of hope that things will get better.

Yes my tinnitus is quite mild now - but it wasn`t at the time and I realise now that the anxiety and stress were making it worse. It`s just so hard to get out of that though - I do understand what you`re going through.

Love Lynne xx

1Dar profile image
1Dar in reply to Lynne-H

Oh Lynn thank you so much for your message , you are so lovely . I guess my problem is enhanced by the pain that I have. Do you wear hearing aids? Do you have tinnitus in both ears? Sorry and one last question do you take anti depressants ?

I am the same ...I have been thinking about suicide but it would wreck my husband and family’s lives. I’m taking a sleeping tablet tonight and feel quite calm at the moment.

You are so lovely and have been so helpful, thank you .. thank you.

Take care of yourself,

Love Jen xxxxxxxxx

Lynne-H profile image
Lynne-H in reply to 1Dar

Hi Jenny - I`ll get back to you later. I have to go now. We have to go out in a bit.

Speak soon.

Love Lynne xx

Lynne-H profile image
Lynne-H in reply to Lynne-H

Hi Jenny

Yes I have hearing aids and yes I have tinnitus in both ears. Originally the pulsating noise was mainly in my right ear along with hissing and humming. Then I acquired a faint sound like a burglar alarm going off in my left ear. Now it just seems like a general all round sound that is just there.

No I can`t take anti-depressants because of my glaucoma - they can raise eye pressures. I do still take the propranolol though.

I`m pleased to hear that you feel a little calmer at the moment - hope you can be like that more often and hope you manage to get some sleep.

Love Lynne xx

in reply to Lynne-H

Love what you said about pretending to like your noises - l've tried that too.

Also, l really believe sleeping on a hard floor (under a camping mat / yoga mat o f course, otherwise it's horrible) helps earth all those energies and so the tinnitus feels a bit better.

You know that slightly weird resonating feeling in your brain after a *really* good nights' sleep , like you've just been slapped in the head but in a comfortable sense? If you get that after sleeping on the floor, l'm sure it would help with the tinnitus

Hope that helps you 1Dar

1Dar profile image
1Dar in reply to Chall11

Hi Lynn this is Jenny ...I was in contact with you about 9 months ago , would you mind if I private messaged you . I would like to have a chat but privately ... things have been pretty tough for me lately . I hope this is ok with you .

Hi there, l'm sure your psychiatrist knew why he/she prescribed olanzapine but getting to the point of your original message: tinnitus isn't listed as a side effect according to google.

It could just be that whatever is hurting your mind, causing the psych to prescribe X, Y, Z, is also causing the tinnitus.

There are a million alternatives to help you sleep but because olanzapine is such a serious drug, you'll have to speak with your psych / your doctor first, before taking anything else even if it's just an over-the-counter sleep-aid.

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