OMEPRAZOLE: Tinnitus friendly? : Howdy... - Tinnitus UK

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OMEPRAZOLE: Tinnitus friendly?

djv1985 profile image
48 Replies


Basically it’s the title. Got some throat issues and the hospital doc recommended taking OMEPRAZOLE and I’m concerned that it may do something to the Tinnitus so does anyone have any idea if it could be a problem. I don’t want to take anything that could tick it off.

Also is it an antibiotic which I have been told can have major reactions Tinnitus wise.

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djv1985 profile image
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48 Replies
starveycat profile image

I have had tinnitus for 30+ years and have been taking omeprazole for 3 years. Haven't noticed it made any difference to my tinnitus just the same damn nuisance. I understand omeprazole us not an anti biotic but is used to control tummy acid. Hope this helps good luck

djv1985 profile image
djv1985 in reply tostarveycat

It does. I have this lump sensation in my throat had to go into hospital today I felt like I couldn’t breath they had a look and said it could be reflux or gerds and gave me a prescription for these. I ask because I’m so careful with what I take because of the t.

I have 3 noises in one ear and do not want a fourth so thanks.

Shellipops profile image

I take it for acid reflux, which presents as a lump in the throat feeling. No effect on my T either.

As an aside, Doc told me to take tablet to reduce acid production from the stomach and Gaviscon as and when needed to stop it travelling up to my gullet, he explained both sort of contain the acid, it does work and no effect on T with either.


djv1985 profile image
djv1985 in reply toShellipops

The lump in the throat is what I have. Hospital doc thinks it’s reflux and said to try that first. Could I just use Gaviscon and leave the tablets at the side? Do u reckon that might help. So fearful of taking anything. I’ve read some horror stories of tablets being taken then having a massive spike. I’ve got three sounds as it is.

Shellipops profile image
Shellipops in reply todjv1985

Hi, the tablets are good but take a couple of days to work. Try the Gaviscon on its own, if your still in discomfort after a few days, take the tablets. They do work well, I'm usually a months prescription at a time then can be fine for a couple of months, but I take the Gaviscon when I need it.

Theres no one more weary of aggravating my tinnitus than me, but for me it doesn't effect it at all.

The Doc also said anxiety can aggravate reflux. I've found if my innards are happy, Im a bit happier and my T remains manageable, if that makes sense.


djv1985 profile image
djv1985 in reply toShellipops

It does make sense. I’ll give the gaviscon a go first just to try that. The lumps you feel are they small lumps? I feel like they’re either I. My throat or the back of mouth but no lumps there. Is that the sort of thing? Never had reflux before so trying to get some answers and seen as though you’ve had it why not bend your ear? Lol.

Shellipops profile image
Shellipops in reply todjv1985

No probs,

Lump is akin to something stuck in my throat, sometimes midway up the gullet or at the very back of my throat.

Reflux can manifest as back pain or in pins and needles down left arm.

I had a full heart ultrasound etc. as I had pins and needles which stressed me no end.

Heart was fine but upshot was reflux, the acid can travel up the gullet whilst asleep (horizontal), this can inflame everything up there, right up to the throat. The anxiety and stress worrying about it only aggravates it. As the doc put it, everything needs to heal, that's where the antacids come in.

I have flare ups from time to time but the meds sort it quickly, during flare ups I avoid acidic foods, alcohol etc. and it always settles. I do take a slug of gaviscon before bed every night though.


djv1985 profile image
djv1985 in reply toShellipops

Thanks for the snappy reply. I’ll be honest the lump things in my throat and back of the mouth were proper freaking me out. I tend to over think things and cancer was the first thought but knowing it’s common is helpful.

I don’t drink I’m terrible at it. Half a can of fosters with ice and I’m having to hold onto things to stand up lol.

You’ve been a help mate. Thanks.

Shellipops profile image
Shellipops in reply todjv1985

Yip me too, thought I was having a massive coronary.... turns out it was just the onions 😁

djv1985 profile image
djv1985 in reply toShellipops

Lol that made me chuckle lol. Bloody onions lol.

Chilledartist profile image

red meat causes the acid reflux...i was taking them years ago, stopped eating red meat.....few months later, stopped taking them,....all good, no more reflux ....check your diet, big guy

djv1985 profile image
djv1985 in reply toChilledartist

Thanks for the comment. I’ve cut out most meat. I was never a big meat guy not sure what brought it on which annoyed me I actually though something was stuck.

djv1985 profile image
djv1985 in reply todjv1985

I realise big meat guy might be misread lol didn’t mean it to sound so suggestive lol.

Sallyderek profile image

It’s an anti acid so nothing to worry about x

djv1985 profile image
djv1985 in reply toSallyderek

Ok thanks. Had some gaviscon last night and this morning and it seems to be doing the trick. I’ll try the tablets next week if the lumps haven’t gone.

djv1985 profile image
djv1985 in reply toSallyderek

Thanks. I took the gaviscon last night and it seems to be helping. I’ll try the tablets next week if it’s still a problem.

BlueSky70 profile image

It's not an antibiotic, it's for reducing stomach acid

emily62 profile image

The only reason you should have been prescribed omerpazole is for acid reflux problems or inflammatory conditions of the stomach.. I used this medication for six months and found no difference in my tinnitus.

I have eustachian tube dysfunction. I say that with caution because the conditions that lead to tinnitus are complex and different for everyone likewise medication reactions are also different from person to person..

wishing you a speedy recovery


djv1985 profile image
djv1985 in reply toemily62

Thanks for the reply. Yh I think that acid reflux might be the issue but gaviscon seems to be doing the trick at the moment. I’m gonna stick with that until this time next week and see what happens. If it’s better then I’ll just keep a stock of that otherwise I’ll try the tabs.

emily62 profile image
emily62 in reply todjv1985

Your welcome!

Acid reflux can also cause tinnitus as the eustachian tubes drain in to the back of the throat

Emily x

djv1985 profile image
djv1985 in reply toemily62

I didn’t mean it was the reason for my t that was an ear infection I was told to take these tablets for acid reflux. Sorry for the confusion lol.

Spring123 profile image
Spring123 in reply toemily62

Hi Emily, bit off topic but I am desperate. I have ETD and my ear is blocked since December when I had cold. I tried sinus rinse for weeks, steroid spray, sinex spray, blowing Otovent balloon chewing, pinching nose and blowing, steaming, cabt even remember what not. I can't stand the fullness feeling !Please can you advice how do you cope with it and has anything helped to unblock the ear?

emily62 profile image
emily62 in reply toSpring123

The doctor usually advices you to wait three months but it can take upto a year to resolve itself.

You GP should arrange an appointment for you with ENT. They can do one of two things Grommets, Bloon dilation, I assume the infection and inflammation has subsided.. For the time being you could use a water pillow available on amazon i found this very helpful when sleeping on my side I used it waterside up.

I know how difficult the condition is I have had ETD for five years. It took a year for the ear pressure to resolve.. And now have hearing aids that help with the Tinnitus..

My thoughts and best wishes to you stay strong ears do take time to get better x

emily62 profile image

Yes i understand that.

At least you are getting it under control..

Acid reflux is very painful!

Best wishes

Emily x

Destructor profile image


I wasn't sure if the omeprazole originally may have caused my PT since it is one of the known side effects but since you've already got T noises then perhaps won't make it worse. Although I have had omeprazole since having PT I have only taken it for a short period and have really loud buzzing anyway so hard to tell if it makes it worse. Like you've mentioned, I also get feeling of having something stuck in my throat which is from the omeprazole and I almost feel like it is worse than the acid coming up. It reduces the amount of stomach acid to try and prevent it coming up and burning your throat and is supposed to therefore give your insides time to heal. As someone else mentioned on another forum reducing acid that is there to break down food can just lead for things taking longer to digest and feeling more uncomfortable which I have found to be the case. I'm pretty sure I was told/says in omeprazole instructions not to take anti-acids at same time. As others have suggested if Gaviscon liquid / tablets or Rennies helps you enough then I would try take them and also try and identify what foods upset you. Seems to be everything with me especially if you research what foods set GERD off - personally I think it differs with each person. Perhaps only take omeprazole if it's not enough taking anti-acids to avoid the lump in throat feeling or if doctor recommends or if long-term issue despite taking anti-acids. I have tried Slippery Elm tablets recently that coat your insides but don't give me a lump in throat sensation and I think they're helping. Eating when sitting more upright and not eating late at night have helped reduce some GERD issues. Hope you find something that works for you!

djv1985 profile image
djv1985 in reply toDestructor

Thanks. So far today I’ve just had the gaviscon stuff and it seems to be working. Although it’s only one day so who knows but I hope it works even if it means having a bit of gaviscon in the morning and late at night before sleep.

I’m trying to avoid any tablets unless it is truly life or death which is why I really am hoping gaviscon is working.

Chilledartist profile image
Chilledartist in reply todjv1985

make sure to lie on your left side, this helps with the positioning of the stomach when lying down......good luck

djv1985 profile image
djv1985 in reply toChilledartist

Thanks I’ll try that. At the minute sitting up a little has helped but it’s a pain to sleep that way lol. The reflux has eased off mostly but I’m coming up with a working plan for next time.

Chilledartist profile image
Chilledartist in reply todjv1985

i took lansoprezole for years too...reflux is actually caused by not enough stomach acid, eating an apple or citrusy fruit i found worked best.....i know, sounds nuts...but....

djv1985 profile image
djv1985 in reply toChilledartist

I have a mouthful of Gaviscon in the morning and a drop before bed. I don’t actually have to that often but I do it to be sure. Apples I can add to my food lol

Chilledartist profile image
Chilledartist in reply todjv1985

i we could do without the added discomfort

Chilledartist profile image
Chilledartist in reply toChilledartist

or maybe its the chinese method....give you something just as bad to take your mind off the T...look on the

djv1985 profile image
djv1985 in reply toChilledartist

That wouldn’t surprise me. Lol.

Chilledartist profile image
Chilledartist in reply todjv1985

you gonna find yourself praying for

djv1985 profile image
djv1985 in reply toChilledartist

Lol so true lol

Destructor profile image
Destructor in reply todjv1985

You could try prop your bed up so it's angled. You can get bed raisers or use bricks.

djv1985 profile image
djv1985 in reply toDestructor

Thanks for the advice. If I remember correctly I ended up sticking with the gaviscon and it seemed to have done the trick. I still get the same thing once in a while but the gaviscon knocks it back. Thanks for the advice.

Although I do tend to sleep propped up now mostly because I have a new bloody back issue it gets stiff if I lie flat for to long so I’m not using a metal frame thing.

poi123 profile image

Hi, I have had Tinnitus a long time and also have taken Omeprazole a number of times over the years when I have flare ups. The Omeprazole has not made any difference to the Tinnitus. The reflux does create a sensation of something being in the throat, its unpleasant but there is no blockage, having a sip of water can reassure you of this. The feeling does go away. Hope you get some relief.

djv1985 profile image
djv1985 in reply topoi123

Thanks for the reply and Yh the gaviscon seems to have stopped the lumpy feeling. Was so strange a feeling. Never had it before lol. And gaviscon is disgusting lol still I have a mouthful in the morning.

poi123 profile image

Glad to hear you have had some relief.

djv1985 profile image
djv1985 in reply topoi123

Thanks. It’s actually helped loads. I don’t have that feeling at the back of my throat most of the time. Maybe first thing but after a mouthful of gaviscon it goes. I mean it tastes horribly but it worked.

bridgeit profile image

Hi djv, info I've read states that omeprazole is ototoxic, i.e. is associated with tinnitus. I expect individual experience varies though. Ranitidine is an alternative to omeprazole and is not listed (yet) as ototoxic. As will all meds, it comes with its own list of cautions and warnings.

I won't go into my particular issues but 10g daily L-Glutamine helps protect my gut (2 x 5g daily in a cold drink) as does liquorice root tea - but don't take the tea if having high blood pressure or sodium issues. I've read that some foods are known stomach irritants, especially alcohol, coffee, processed food, grains and sugary food (especially sweets), also red meat and some fish - so there's not much left to eat really! I use moderation as a guide.

I've always found porridge oats a good stomach settler with fresh local honey. Personally, I tend to eat little and more often, esp. fresh food such as veg and fruit.

This will sound counter-productive, but I've found that fresh lemon juice helps control stomach irritation/acid. Sometimes I have lemon in tea - but not too often.

I am not medically trained; I'm speaking from personal experience only. I hope this info is helpful and that your system soon settles!

djv1985 profile image
djv1985 in reply tobridgeit

Persona experience is the only place most of us can speak from so that’s fine. I think at the moment gaviscon is working well. I’ve been doing it for a couple of days a mouthful in the morning and one before sleep seems to work really well. I don’t have the lump anymore or the feeling of one which was my main symptom of reflux so as long as it remains working then I’m steering clear of tablets for now.


Fruitandnutcase profile image

I’ve go exactly the same problem as you are having. Got a sensation of something ‘fleshy’ stuck in my throat. I keep coughing to sort of clear it but it comes back. At the moment I’ve got a weird sensation of a click when I am having a drink of water got a kind of gulp click gulp click sensation.

I saw a doctor a few days ago and he said exactly the same as you’ve been told I’ve got omeprazole to take for a month if that makes any difference and if that doesn’t he said that it will be cameras to see what’s going on.

It’s a bit odd because I don’t really have any sensation of reflux but after taking my first pill on Wednesday I had heartburn at lunchtime. I didn’t take one yesterday didn’t have heartburn but the feeling in my throat came back so I’ve taken one today.

So far it hasn’t made much difference. Omeprazole isnt an antibiotic, it’s to stop stomach acid. I’ve got osteoporosis so there’s no way I want to be taking a long time, it’s not good for your bones.

So far my tinnitus is the same as usual. I’m waiting to go back to have an Epley manoeuvre done because I feel dizzy and I have a ‘full’ feeling in one ear and the doctor thinks it’s crystals and the manoeuvre might help. I’m hoping it makes a difference to the tinnitus but somehow I doubt it.

Good luck with your throat issue, hopefully it will be resolved soon.

Destructor profile image

Funnily enough my acid is really high and painful and has been for weeks. Despite cutting out problem foods, cutting down on water (as even this sets acid reflux off), taking Gaviscon regularly, sitting upright for hours after eating, eating less and more slowly.

Spoke to a GP today about not wanting to go on omeprazol as I think it contributed to my pulsatile tinnitus and so I'm going to try a different acid inhibitor for 1 month. L something, possibly lansoprazole.

I'll post back if I have any issues or find it useful.

It's worth noting that I've just seen my chiropractor and had the best treatment I've had in ages and my PT has temporarily stopped. Although I expect it to start again (as it always does) I'll have a better idea if these new tablets affect my PT or not.

djv1985 profile image
djv1985 in reply toDestructor

Good luck. Hopefully it’ll stay gone for a while and the acid goes away too. Gaviscon was a big help for me. I still get it but a few swigs and it tends to ease off. I try to stay away from medication if I can help it just to be on the safe side.

Destructor profile image

Thanks. Yes I also try not to take tablets just in case they make things worse.

djv1985 profile image
djv1985 in reply toDestructor

You’re welcome and Yh it’s a Big fear of mine. I’ve pretty much gotten used to my Tinnitus even the spikes are less of a struggle but still are a struggle lol so I worry about any meds.

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