Hi everyone,
My name is John Ronan and I have had tinnitus since 2012. I was a member of the old BTA back in those days and I wrote a poem about my tinnitus story and posted it on the BTA forum.
It was called No more please go.. still there don't care.
Its a long shot but I wonder if there is anyone who remembers this poem and even better kept a copy.? Unfortunately I have lost it and forgotten most of it.
I still attend audiology and I'm sure it will help people with tinnitus realise that it does get better, so I would like to give it my audiologist who provided my TRT to share with others.
I went from suicidal to coping with tinnitus within a few years even though its very loud and in both ears.
I believe my story that my poem maps out, could help others.
Thanks for reading and best wishes.
John Ronan